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Spring 2016
Feed Directive
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Take care of BRD with Once PMH® IN, the first and only
intranasal vaccine that delivers dual bacterial pneumonia
protection for healthy cattle of all ages, including calves
as young as 1 week of age.
Talk to your veterinarian or animal health supplier about Once PMH IN.
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merck-animal-health-usa.com · 800-521-5767
Copyright © 2016 Intervet Inc., doing business as Merck Animal Health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co.,
Inc. All rights reserved.
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Approved for healthy cattle 1 week of age or older
Dual protection against Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella
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Adjuvant-free, intranasal application that's easy to use and easy
on cattle
Choose Once
Spring 2016 U
Take care of BRD with Once PMH® IN, the first and
Spring 2016 Volume 5, No.1 4 Ed
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BeefVet Understanding Veterinary Feed Directive
Elanco, adds, “There will be no production uses f
· Fluoroquinolones · Tetracyclines · Macrol
the implementation is not. Dr. Sibbel says a clie
A DOSE OF CONFIDENCE Easy on cattle1 and your bot
Titanium® Research Brief 5 Evaluating the Eff
BeefV Colostrum and Calves Milk It for All It's
It's not just about early immu- nity, but ab
whether that's colostrum, electro- lytes or milk
or when a calf comes really early, Meyer says. Bu
Calving difficulty also plays a role in both a ca
Consumers count on the care you provide to make s
Continued from page 4 moving learning curve. Wor
BeefVet Myths of Entrepreneurship Book examines
In other words, lots of folks know lots abou
practice by a perspective buyer,” Gerber explains
too: fighting the clock and client personalities
THE WEIGHT GAIN IS REAL. Go ahead, blink. A dew
BeefVet Colective Gain Economic selection indic
where the gaps are and have a true accounting for
Table 1 Beef Cattle Economic Selection Indices B
TAKE THE STRESS OUT OF BRD. Target high-risk calv
begin working on the next one.” That's why
point for the $Cow index of- fered by the America
BeefVet Scientists Study Plant-Microbe Interactio
ENROFLOX® 100 enrofloxacin The Wait is Over NOW A
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Positively charged! AMPT™ is revolutionizing bee
Superior Science