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June 2011 IndustrialLiftandHoist.com
EOT CranEs
UndEr COnTrOl
aerial lifts
COntEnts June 2011
16 site review
Hybrid Hookup
By Lucy A. Perry
When Hagie Manufacturing Co. needed to integrate a
more efficient assembly system as it expanded its facility
in Clarion, Iowa, it called Riekes Material Handling to help
it improve workflow and provide better lifting solutions.
20 Business issues
Heavy Industry Presence
By Mike Larson
Heavy-duty telehandlers with 15,000 to more than 45,000
pounds of capacity have rapidly grown in popularity in
specialized applications, including power plants, mining
quarries, logging, oil-field work, and a long list of other
heavy pick-and-carry or pick-and-place work.
June 2011
COntEnts June 2011 FEaTUrEs 16 site revi
COMMEntAry Travel money By Richard Howes
Tax Relief BEst PrACtICEs Tax Credit f
COnFErEnCE UPdAtE ICHC Houston One month
Association Update FrOM tHE MHIA mater
FrOM tHE MHIA Association Update laTEsT
HEAdLInEs ILH names First member of Edi
HEAdLInEs liftsmart plans to Open Califor
Toyota doubles genuine parts warranty Toyo
PrOdUCts liugong Offers pneumatic Tire
In The Field Cargotec’s new range of Heavy Forkl
sItE rEVIEW Overhead Cranes Hybrid Hooku
BUsInEss IssUEs Heavy industry presence telehandl
Lift Trucks Pipe-handling attachments ar
BUsInEss IssUEs Xtreme Manufacturing,
Lift Trucks oil rigs take advantageof
BUsInEss IssUEs Lift Trucks Dieci’s rang
Personnel Lifts PrOdUCt FOCUs Weight t
PrOdUCt FOCUs Steve Gohn, southeast regional ma
Personnel Lifts Defining the product class
PrOdUCt FOCUs Personnel Lifts territory
Remote Controls trEnds &tECHnOLOgy Cra
trEnds &tECHnOLOgy Industries like aerospace, pe
Remote Controls as the growth of cellular phones
trEnds &tECHnOLOgy Latest technologies Various
Remote Controls equipment that allows the opera
EqUIPMEntInACtIOn Rubber-Tired Gantries Ef