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Best regards
Global Motion®
2 888.438.6574 763.972.5200
playlsi.com 3
Love to climb? Love to turn? Global Motion
brings it all together. This freestanding rotating climber packs in plenty of fun
activities—climbing, turning, running, gathering and socializing.
Kids of all abilities will appreciate the energetic ride. You'll appreciate its progressive
resistance mechanism, our proprietary technology that keeps Global Motion at a fun
yet controllable speed. It's just another way Landscape Structures continues to lead
with innovation and inclusion.
4 888.438.6574 763.972.5200
Order this freestanding
playground activity to match
your playstructure. Choose
two ProShield® colors and
one rotomolded plastic color.
Polyester-wrapped, steel-core
climbing cables are available
in black, red or tan.
Two levels of
Global Motion®
2 888.438.6574 763.972.5200
playlsi.com 3
Love to climb? Love to turn? Global Motion
Order this freestanding playground activity to ma
U.S. Patent number 9,868,069 · Maximum fall heig
The inclusive Global Motion® rotating climber inv
Since 1971, Landscape Structures Inc. has been th