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Land and Water, the magazine of natural resource management and restoration, Jan/Feb 2017: streambank erosion control and improved water quality efforts; wetland restoration; geomembrane engineering; environmental challenges of CCR landfill development.
& Improved Water Quality Efforts
Reservoir Rehab Award for
of Coal Combustion Residual
Landfill Development
yields alternate revenue source
for landownerEnkamat R45 is the High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat that integrates a high strength geogrid with the original 3D structured Enkamat, taking soil and root reinforcement to the max. With its high resistance to shear stress and flow velocities, the added tensile strength, low elongation properties and fast establishment of vegetation,
Enkamat R45 is the first choice for engineers.
Land and Water, the magazine of natural resource m
Enkamat R45 is the High Performance Turf Reinforce
Nedia, Enterprises, Inc. is the natural choice for
Land & Water J/F 17 features stormwater management
Erosion Control and Reclamation work are where Bow
ARE YOU “STUCK”? Being stuck is not considered
Rolanka International, Inc. is the best source for
Environmental Challenges of Coal Combustion Residu
This includes the use of an active treatment syste
The project team was challenged to aggressively im
AEPSC decided to remove the ATS after the 2016 con
Engineered walls at the NPC site help create the n
Cells at the Amos Landfill have typically been div
Coordinate the generation and use of structural fi
Waterfront Construction with Geosynthetics: Geosyn
These are just a handful of the ways in which geos
The strength and performance of this wall system h
The Port of Guaymas project involved more than 28,
The NTCD has led efforts to improve watershed and
These projects have been planned with numerous oth
Secondary objectives were to enhance riparian and
The primary objective was to prevent continued lar
One year after installation of erosion control bla
West River Parkway Slope Repairs: The Parkway was
Three seconds is all it would take for 4000 cubic
An erosion control design plan was put into place
Barr took multiple factors into account when deter
The BSM, FGM, and TRM "system" gives the site the
“The result of the open communication on the proje
Morro Reservoir Rehabilitation Project: The reserv
The composite geoembrane liner was installed to re
The geomembrane liner terminates at the top of slo
Thanks to innovative welding technology, GSE's Lea
Applications of Coir Erosion Control Products in S
This lake bank restoration project was planned to
These changes had caused the channel to experience
Water flow contained many narrow and sharp bends b
They created a new, wider channel with gradual, me
Restoring Wetland and Revenue in Agricultural Harf
The HSCD and Ecotone, Inc., were able to propose a
The wetland restoration was aimed at meeting the H
Following restoration, the unnamed tributary to Th
A Geotechnical, Civil Engineering, and Geoprofessi
Trailblazers in Stormwater Management: Western PA
Combining Phyto & LID provided a cost-effective so
The grade change across a 2.2-acre site, proximity
Phytoremediation, or “Phyto,” is a process by whic
LID involves managing stormwater on-site to enhanc
The LID regions are comprised of four main compone
For this particular project, the costs of this typ
Boardwalk Rebuilt to Last After Destruction by Sup
The damage from Hurricane Irene resulted in major
We Specialize in Herbaceous Native Plants for: Sto
Land and Water Magazine - Committed to protecting
At the 2017 IECA Annual Conference you will learn,
SUPERthrive maximizes potential by quickly buildin