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ISSN 2054-3166 Vol 7.1 • November 2019 • emjreviews.com
+ Review of
ERS 2019
Madrid, Spain
Review of the European Respiratory Society International Congress, 10
held in Madrid, Spain, 28th September–2nd October, 2019.
Prof Barbara Hoffmann 25
Prof Daiana Stolz
“The peer-reviewed articles in this year’s
Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Dr Antonio R
Aims and Scope The European Medical Journal (EMJ)
Welcome I am proud to present to all our readers
Foreword Dear colleagues, Allow me to welcome you
10 RESPIRATORY • November 2019
Congress Review Review of the 29th European Re
“The central theme of the congress was preven
and sleep-disordered breathing in chronic kidney
Exposure to Different Pollutants and Areas in the
Professional Drivers Experience Different Lev
Truck Drivers at High Risk for Crash-Causing
Lung Disease can be Monitored with a
Susceptibility to Respiratory Infections in Babie
Phenol Exposure’s Impact on Respirato
Breathing Difficulty Risk Linked to Polycysti
MicroRNA Linked to Respiratory Failure or Sepsis
Severe Asthma Patients Found to Take Harmful
Good News for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Pat
THE POWER OF ONE – full PFT, body plethysmography
Congress Interviews T he knowledge surround
as our contribution to the ELF project tha
“But overall, the associations of air pollution
Prof Daiana Stolz ERS Education Council Chair As
from disease and drive standards for
internationally and which are the local differ
Q10 Considering that there is currently n
Building Hope by Restoring Breathing in
of the disease, and the need to diagnose and trea
with time, either because of disease progression
vital capacity, 6-minute walk distance test, and
Furthermore, the SAD phenotype was associated wit
ICS/LABA, corresponding to a 23% reduction in exa
considering that in the last years consiste
medicine. These studies highlight that ICS-
References 1. Agustí A, Hogg JC. Update on t
2019. 43. Hurst JR et al. Susceptibility to
Optimising Clinical Outcomes in Asthma and C
What Really Matters to Patients with Asthma
Technical Characteristics of Inhaler Devices In p
A 200 150 100 50 Budesonide delivered dose (
of asthma and COPD; however, inhaler technique er
Education of Inhaler Technique There are various
Use of Maintenance and Reliever Therapy in Mild A
delivery: Developments in device design and clini
agonist therapy before hospital attendance for se
Living with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Meeting Summary Exacerbations in chronic obstruct
Table 1: Anthonisen criteria. Anthonisen criteri
implications for clinical management and
by a nurse-led practice session on an artificial a
like flexibility and convenience together wit
the guidelines and there is scarce evidence on th
inflammation: Its relationship to colonizing micro
Delve deeper into the medical wo
Association Between Leukocyte Telomere Lengt
functional trajectory in treated patient with IPF
METHOD A qualitative study comprising semi-struct
Supplemental oxygen
vascular degeneration in the retina. At PN40 and
submitted work). Dr Hedner has received grants
Changes in Biomarkers in Patients with Idiopathi
transformed before analysis and estimates of chan
dust within the coal industry. CMDLD includes coa
Retrospective Validation of the REVEAL 2.0 Risk
100 90 80 70 60 Survival % 50 40 30 Low r
hypertension: Insights from the Registry
Acute Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation o
Conclusions: The RG presented with worse clinical
> No occurrence of respiratory infection in the
to the test, significant respiratory distress, or
Pressure levels were chosen based on a previous s
Table 3: Heart rate variability data in the non-r
DISCUSSION Exercise-induced asthma is found in 40
study, but in a greater number of the children in
Techniques and standards (1971), Philadelphia: WB
Malignant Mesothelioma Presenting After
A chest X-ray was performed and showed a right si
After 2 months, his symptoms had completely resol
Figure 3: CT scan showing small right effusion wi
clinical-information/mesothelioma/ 4. meso
Unilateral Right Exophthalmia Revealing Systemic
INTRODUCTION Sarcoidosis is a granulomat
Figure 2: Chest CT scan revealing numerous calcifi
with the case of the present authors’ patient, wh
Belge Ophtalmol. 2008;307:47-51. (In
A Case of Empyema and a Review of Practice in
lenticular effusion, and internal loculations (Fi
OUTCOME AND FOLLOW-UP Her white cell count and CR
or monotherapy) was prescribed in over half of al
Pleural ultrasound or procedure No
Respirology. 2017;22(6):1055-6.
Asthma in Children Under 5 Years in Rural K
Abstract Background: Worldwide, asthma is the mos
Commission emphasises that asthma is an umbr
professional, in cooperation between the Kyrgyz a
Box 1: Main themes and findings in children under
to dependency on medical care and frequent hospit
asthma is an allergic disease, and is not contagi
The caregivers without personal experience had he
interviews; underdiagnosis of asthma in Under- 5s
illness with severe cough and sounds such as nois
also be reduced through early identifications
exploration of the borderland between anthropolog
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