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The Official Journal of the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics
Official Publication of the National Perinatal Association
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Using Research for Improved Delivery of
Newborn Health Interventions
Guest Editors:
Jose C. Martines, MD, PhD
Rajiv Bahl, MD, PhD
Pertti Pelto, PhD
Betty R. Kirkwood, MA MSc FMedSci FFPHJournal of
The Official Journal of the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics
Official Publication of the National Perinatal Association
Volume 28 Supplement 2 December 2008
Using Research for Improved Delivery of
Newborn Health Interventions
Guest Editors:
Jose C. Martines, MD, PhD
The Official Journal of the Section on Perinatal P
Editor-in-Chief EDWARD E LAWSON, MD Johns Hopkins
Journal of Perinatology is published by Nature Pu
S61 Newborn umbilical cord and skin care
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28,S1 r 2008 Natur
Journal of Perinatol
through the intrapartum to the postpartum period,
Developing interventions to save newborn lives Ne
observed (and in some facility births).8 In all s
Developing interventions to save newborn lives Ne
Although ANC is theoretically a good channel for
Developing interventions to save newborn lives Ne
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S9–S13 r 2008
Care-seeking practices in South Asia
‘postnatal care’ to refer to the care of the newb
Care-seeking practices in South Asia
timely care seeking from qualified providers to in
Journal of Peri
Formative research into effective intervention in
Formative research into effective intervention in
had with nongovernmental organizations. We also l
Formative research into effective intervention in
been observed carefully. Many families waited to
Formative research into effective intervention in
Formative research into effective intervention in
37 Formative research into effective interventio
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S23–S30 r 200
Formative research on childbirth practices
hands’. This meant that she uses a massage like a
Formative research on childbirth practices
‘I am completely exhausted (from applying fundal
Formative research on childbirth practices
did not feed. So later, the tea that I was dr
Formative research on childbirth practices
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S31–S37 r 200
Care-seeking practices in rural Rajasthan
Table 1 Background characteristics of newborns a
Care-seeking practices in rural Rajasthan
conducted the delivery. Mother reported ‘1 to 2 h
Care-seeking practices in rural Rajasthan
5 Sutrisna B, Reingold A, Kresno S, Harrison G
Journal of Peri
about designing interventions,9–12 there are few
Developing a home-based newborn care intervention
Developing a home-based newborn care intervention
Developing a home-based newborn care intervention
Care for low birthweight (LBW) babies. Low bir
Developing a home-based newborn care intervention
intervention whose content and structure is deter
Journal of Peri
one district hospital and seven health posts staf
Formative research on early initiation of breast-
Box 2 Not enough milk Physical signs of absent o
Formative research on early initiation of breast-
baby on the mother to encourage contractions. If
Formative research on early initiation of breast-
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S53–S60 r 200
Perceptions of newborn weight
what difference does it make by only weighing the
Journal of Perinatology Table 1 Explanatory mod
the fetus in the womb become weak and thin becaus
Perceptions of newborn weight
she has other internal health problems that canno
Perceptions of newborn weight
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S61–S68 r 200
Newborn umbilical cord and skin care
Table 2 Practices related to cutting and tying u
Newborn umbilical cord and skin care
Table 3 Newborn bathing practices Response
Newborn umbilical cord and skin care
Newborn umbilical cord and skin care MA Alam et a
Newborn umbilical cord and skin care
Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S69–S75 r 200
Care seeking for neonates in Northern India
Results Quantitative component Three hundred and
Care seeking for neonates in Northern India
Care seeking for neonates in Northern India S Awa
Care seeking for neonates in Northern India
Acknowledgments We acknowledge the technical ass
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