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Best regards
“They consistently produce outstanding
results for their clients.”
Chambers USA, 2016
& Bankruptcy Group
2016 Review
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP • A New York Limited Liability Partnership
One Battery Park Plaza • New York, New York 10004-1482 • 212-837-6000
Attorney advertising. Readers are advised that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
For information regarding the selection process of awards, please visit www.hugheshubbard.com/legal_notices_award_methodologies.
Results Matter
From chapter 11 proceedings, to out-of-court workouts, to the resolution of complex litigation, Hughes
Hubbard’s Corporate Reorganization & Bankruptcy Group delivered concrete results across the restructuring
landscape in 2016. The year
“They consistently produce outstanding
Results Matter From chapter 11 proceedings, to ou
and transportation, among others. Restructurings
FirstEnergy Corp. Our team represented a group of
Digital First Media Our team won court approval f
purchase common stock in its parent company, Cenv
Corporate Reorganization & Bankruptcy Group Part