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Best regards
Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 33 • Issue 2 • 2022
In This Issue
View from the Chair ........................... 1
Upcoming Event ................................ 2
The 30-Year Dissent .......................... 3
Every Word Matters in Trade
Secrets Agreements................... 12
IP Social Media................................ 13
The Curious Case of American
Axle and Patent Eligibility........... 14
Federal Jurisdiction Not Granted
Based on Possible Trademark
Injury .......................................... 17
Pro Bono Initiatives ......................... 19
View from the Chair
After more than two years of exclusively virtual conferences, your Intellec-
tual Property Law Section Council is thrilled to welcome you back to Mackinac
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
Intellectual Property Law Section 2021-2022 Of
The 30-Year Dissent An Examination of Judge Newma
The 1952 patent legislation officially codi
The process of generating monoclonal antibo
the quid pro quo of patent law. As with Wands’ sp
broad genera generally do not support a finding o
Essentially, the metes and bounds of the property
leads through WWI where there was the first boom
goes against and alters the reality of the scienc
wherever applied, the unpredictability o
Every Word Matters in Trade Secrets Agreements Bl
On appeal, BladeRoom argued that under Para
The Curious Case of American Axle and Patent Elig
The question of patent eligibility is a que
Thus, under the first step in Alice, the claimed
to have done its job’ when it ultimately
with “BROOKLYN BREW” disclaimed. By October 2011,
speculative. Basically, Brooklyn Brewery submitte