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EMJ Repro Health. 2019 Suppl 2 • europeanmedical-journal.com
Cryos Symposium on Assisted
Reproductive Technology
Cryos Symposium on Assisted
Reproductive Technology
This symposium took place on 3rd May 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark
Speakers: Françoise Shenfield,1 Susan Golombok,2 Emma Grønbæk,3 Steven J.
Ory,4 Willem Ombelet,5 Allan Pacey,6 Peter Humaidan,7 Saghar Kasiri,8
Joyce Harper,9 Lone Bruhn Madsen,10 Henriette Roed Nielsen,11 Ole
Schou,12 Wybo Dondorp13
1. Reproductive Medicine Unit, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) Wing, University
College Hospital, London, UK
2. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
3. VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark
4. Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EMJ Repro Health. 2019 Suppl
Cryos Symposium on Assisted Reproductive Tech
Meeting Summary The Cryos Symposium took place on
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screening, detailing what is at stake,
it due to maternal factors or the cryotechnique?