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Best regards
Quick guide – RUSH restructured
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
non-traumatic hypotension
Michael B. Stone, MD
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Portland, OR
The more you see, the more you can do
Focused ultrasound can play a valuable role in the assessment of
hemodynamically unstable patients. Multiple authors have previously described
its application in this context, most notably with the Rapid Ultrasound for Shock
and Hypotension (RUSH) exam,1,2 the Abdominal and Cardiac Evaluation with
Sonography in Shock (ACES) exam,3 and the Undifferentiated Hypotension
Protocol (UHP).4 While there are considerable differences among these
descriptions, all describe the application of focused ultrasound in patients
with three key features: unstable, undifferentiated and non-traumatic.
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
Ultrasound Quick guide – RUSH restructured Focus
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
Focused ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated
RUSH restructured – Michael B. Stone, MD Perform
Ultrasound evaluation for the detection of a pleu