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<br /> Sykes College of Business<br /> Finance<br /> <br /> <br /> B.S. in Finance<br /> B.S. in International Business and<br /> Finance<br /> B.S. in Financial Enterprise Systems<br /> Minor in Finance<br /> M.S. in Finance<br /> MBA with Concentration in Finance<br /> The dynamic nature of financial management requires professionals who have analytical, conceptual and decision-making skills. UT’s<br /> finance curriculum teaches these critical skills and is frequently updated to reflect the most current models and tools. Students also<br /> benefit from hands-on learning opportunities using industry-standard software in UT’s financial trading center, shown above. <br /> What Will You Learn?<br /> UT finance majors learn how to analyze<br /> and manage financial resources and<br /> investments. The program offers instruction<br /> in all areas of business through courses in<br /> accounting, managerial statistics, management<br /> information systems, econom<a title="Flyer-Finance-2021 page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/b1fa99f9?page=1"> Sykes College of Business Finance B.S. </a> <a title="Flyer-Finance-2021 page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/b1fa99f9?page=2"> Sykes College of Business Finance FACULTY highli</a> <a title="Flyer-Finance-2021 page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/b1fa99f9?page=3"> ut.edu What Can You Do With This Major? The fi</a> <a title="Flyer-Finance-2021 page 4" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/b1fa99f9?page=4"> Sykes College of Business Finance Aaron Ricci</a>