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You are on a journey to continue to grow as a disciple of
Jesus Christ. You can strengthen your Catholic Identity
through these new features:
Catholic Identity: Retreats
provide time for you to reflect
on what it means to be a
Catholic. There are four
retreats in your book.
Celebrating Catholic Identity:
ringing the
The Holy Spirit e
Retreat Recap
Review the pages of you
Identity: Creed retreat. r child’s Celebratin
tAhsekH r child to tell you about the r g Catholic
oly Spirit: etreat. Talk a
■ We receive the Holy Spirit at Bap bout
The y Spirit guides us.
■ Hol
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a dis
Contents Introductory Chapter ..................
We Are Members of the Church ....................
The Church Leads Us in Worship ..................
We Are Called to Discipleship ...................
PRAYER Celebrating Catholic Identity: Maria
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Marian Pr
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Marian Pr
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Marian Pra
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Marian Pra
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Marian Pra
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER B ringing
Celebrating Catholic Identity: PRAYER Why We Bel
We Gather in Prayer Mary: Come, my children, let
Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit. Jes
Then Jesus left the Apostles and returned to his
The Holy Spirit comes to the disciples. Ho
He told them that God had raised Jesus from the d
The Church begins on Pentecost. Holy Spiri
Soon after the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Apo
The early Church grows. Dear Jesus, help us
Soon after, Saul was traveling along a road and a
Grade 3 Chapter 4 PROJECT Unscramble the wor
DISCIPLE Think about things that will help a di
Grade 3 Chapter 4 CHAPTER TEST Write first, seco
“T oda ” d! r y is b Res o L or n our pon
The Chr s to celeb i season is
Jesus is our Lord and Messiah. During Advent and
The Christmas season is a season of celebration.
Leader: We thank you, God, for the lives of yo
Grade 3 Christmas PROJECT DISCIPLE Many feas
I n this section, you will find questions
Q: What is justice? A: Justice is treati
Resources for the Family I n this secti
Spirituality and Your Third-Grade Child
CREED The Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Bles
LITURGY & SACRAMENTS The Power of Grace H ow
MORALITY A Virtuous Life A virtue is a good ha
PRAYER Praying with Mary J esus loved and hono
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ISBN 978-0-8215-3053-5 90000 9 780821