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I n v e s t i n g i n t h e f u t u r e o f a i r p o r t s Issue 1 2014 • £26.99 €40.99 $53.99
Pack and track
IATA’s Andrew Price discusses the options for a post-paper bag-tag world
My pod
CEO John Holland-Kaye on why Heathrow’s transport system is catching
the eye of Asian airport operators
Passenger handling • Airport operations • Baggage
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futureairportasia I n v e s t i n g i n t h e
ADNOC Aviation is a specialized division of ADNOC
From the editor On the web... Find market analysi
Contents In this issue 06 07 ATC Global
Contents 17 likelihood of incidents and
Show preview > ATC Global A new home from home Fo
Insight > Passenger handling pMyod Energy effici
Insight > Passenger handling says John Holland-
Insight > Passenger handling transport network,
Company insight The benefits of air connectivity
Company insight The virtuous circle of economic
Company insight > Training Let excellence becom
Company insight > Training EASA to deliver the
Company insight > Training A higher degree of t
Company insight > Training factors in aviation,
Insight > Baggage Unlock RFID tracking Bisa was f
Insight > Baggage Play tag After years of prob
Insight > Baggage Object permanence Radio frequ
Insight > Baggage in 2014. Qantas’s Q tag has l
Company insight > Baggage Rapid baggage transit
Company insight > Baggage “Also, in Singapo
Company insight > Baggage Get a handle on bagga
Company insight > Baggage However, not all
Company insight > Baggage Low-cost, non-radioac
Company insight > Baggage The consumables,
Insight > Airport operations Rule the roost B
Insight > Airport operations misconception tha
Company insight > Airport operations A new dime
Company insight > Airport operations What’s on
Company insight > Airport operations
Company insight > Airport operations The bottom
Borum line-marking machines have been sold in 60
Company insight > Airport operations A better f
Company insight > Airport operations Aviation O
Company insight > Airport operations Keep a wat
How can people listen if you say nothing? TM
Company insight > Airport operations The evolut
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