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<br /> Monopersulfate Compound<br /> Pool and Spa<br /> Enjoy crystal-clear water that's easy to maintain.<br /> Oxone™ monopersulfate compound is a powerful<br /> shock oxidizer for swimming pools and spas.<br /> Crystal clear water is a top priority of pool and spa owners.<br /> Oxone™ monopersulfate compound, when used weekly as<br /> a preventative shock oxidizer treatment in conjunction with<br /> your regular pool or spa water maintenance, helps to keep<br /> your water sparkling clear, while reducing odors and<br /> irritants. Oxone™ oxidizing shock has been widely used in<br /> swimming pools and spas since the 1970s. Today<br /> Oxone™ monopersulfate compound is the most widely used<br /> non-chlorine oxidizer on the US market.<br /> Why Oxone™ monopersulfate compound?<br /> When used as part of your pool or spa water treatment<br /> system, Oxone™ chemistryRƫHUVQXPHURXVEHQHƭWV <br /> Helps to keep your water crystal clea<a title="LANXESS - Brochure page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c165b3f9?page=1"> Monopersulfate Compound Pool and Spa Enjoy crysta</a> <a title="LANXESS - Brochure page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c165b3f9?page=2"> responsible use of chlorine. Adding </a> <a title="LANXESS - Brochure page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c165b3f9?page=3"> Make weekly shock oxidation with Oxone™ monopersu</a>