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<br /> The median salary<br /> for an instructional<br /> coordinator professional<br /> in 2021 was $63,740<br /> Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, www.bls.gov/ooh/education-<br /> training-and-library/instructional-coordinators.htm (06/2022)<br /> GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN<br /> Online Development<br /> ADVANCE YOUR INSTRUCTIONAL<br /> DESIGN CAREER WITH 4 COURSES<br /> UT’s Graduate Certificate in Online Development gives students pursuing<br /> a career in instructional design and technology with an extraordinary<br /> advantage that prepares them to excel in today’s evolving job market<br /> that favors advanced, skill-based training.<br /> This unique graduate certificate was created in recognition of the exceptional<br /> quality of UT’s academic programs, and the University’s mission to support<br /> new continuing education and professional growth opportunities.<br /> This graduate certificate prepares students with the necessary skills to<br<a title="UT_GradCert_OnlineDevelopment2 page 1" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/c4f38a7d?page=1"> The median salary for an instructional coordinato</a>