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<br /> RETIRE WITH IN<br /> HOOSIER S.T.A.R.T.® NEWSLETTER • Third Quarter 2018<br /> <br /> Sponsored by the Indiana Auditor of State<br /> <br /> <br /> Set the table for a more satisfying future during National Retirement<br /> Security Week<br /> Are you hungering for a<br /> comfortable retirement? National<br /> Retirement Security Week<br /> (NRSW) is the ideal time to cook<br /> up a well-balanced approach to<br /> your future finances. Each year,<br /> the U.S. Congress designates a<br /> week in October to highlight the<br /> importance of saving through<br /> your Indiana Hoosier S.T.A.R.T.<br /> Plan to help you build the income<br /> you’ll need to retire comfortably.<br /> According to one commonly used<br /> rule of thumb, most people will<br /> need to replace at least 70% of<br /> their working income in retirement<br /> to maintain a similar lifestyle.<br /> Contributing to your Indiana<br /> Hoosier S.T.A.R.T. Plan can help<b<a title="IN_3Q18 page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c840e1bc?page=1"> RETIRE WITH IN HOOSIER S.T.A.R.T.® NEWSLETTER • T</a> <a title="IN_3Q18 page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c840e1bc?page=2"> Advice from your future self on saving for retire</a>