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Best regards
Volume 2 Issue 2
• Acne
• Bullous Diseases
• Lasers
• Paediatric Dermatology
• Psoriasis
• Skin and Venereal Oncology
Articles include:
A New Treatment for Severe Burn and Post-traumatic Scars:
A Preliminary Report
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pemphigus Vulgaris
Immunocryosurgery for Basal Cell Carcinoma: An Audit for
Combination, Minimally Invasive Approaches
Influence of Lipid Profile on Serum Levels of NT-proBNP, IL-23 and
Resistin in Male Psoriatic Patients
Potential for Missing Pregnancies in Patients on Isotretinoin
Includes a Review of
the EADV Congress 2012
The calming e ect
Once daily treatment that meets
all needs
• Rapid relief of acute symptoms
like itching with modern safety
• Individual treatment options
through 5 differen
The calming e ect Once daily treatment that
TREATMENT S Dermatology TRATEGIES Treatment S
CONTENTS... 3 6 7 Welcome by Nigel
44 Lasers A New Treatment for Severe Burn and Pos
Treatment Strategies - Foreword Foreword
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Renassianc
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Nova
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Derma
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Dermarolle
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Prur
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Syner
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Ag
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Stie
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Bre
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review between
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Understa
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review In summ
experienced and knowledgeable, when a treatment d
antibiotics have demonstrated more rapid e cacy.
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review Imp
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review have an
evolved over time. AKs were once thought of as a
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review cycloox
Treatment Strategies - Congress Review applica
Treatment Strategies - Acne Potential for M
PPP, must still receive written information on co
Treatment Strategies - Acne would be able to s
Treatment Strategies - Bullous Disease Diag
Treatment Strategies - Bullous Disease respons
Short and long-term toxicities of corticosteroids
Treatment Strategies - Bullous Disease are wel
other pemphigus treatments and usually infusion r
Treatment Strategies - Bullous Disease Referenc
chimeric monoclonal antibody (rituximab) for the
Treatment Strategies - Lasers A New Treatme
keloid volume was shown to be reduced after treat
Treatment Strategies - Lasers
Treatment Strategies - Lasers Figur
Treatment Strategies - Lasers Improvement Afte
Treatment Strategies - Paediatric Dermatology
Treatment Strategies - Paediatric Dermatology
Protocols for initiation of therapy, dosing, moni
Treatment Strategies - Paediatric Dermatology R
Treatment Strategies - Psoriasis In uence of
Treatment Strategies - Psoriasis HC (n=20)
various conventional and nonconventional cardiova
Treatment Strategies - Psoriasis References 1.
Treatment Strategies - Skin and Venereal Oncology
Treatment Strategies - Oncology
Treatment Strategies - Skin and Venereal Oncology
Treatment Strategies - Oncology action. J Inve
Treatment Strategies - Surgical Therapy An
Treatment Strategies - Surgical Therapy
A C B D Figure 5A. De
Treatment Strategies - Surgical Therapy A
Treatment Strategies - Events Listing Upcom
Treatment Strategies - Events Listing excellent
The Cambridge Research Centre Coppergate House 16