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Best regards
12%* of the U.S. population has a severe disability
that affects at least one function of daily living.
This group of people does not live in a vacuum;
they have children, parents, siblings, and
grandparents who are involved in their daily lives.
Therefore 36% of the population, or 1 in 3 people,
is touched by severe disability.
*Kaiser Family Foundation 2012.
Mobility Versus Non-Mobility
5% Mobility
95% Non-Mobility
US Dept. of Education
2 Playworld | Inclusion
A nation’s greatness is measured by
how it treats its weakest members.
– Mahatma Ghandi
... and its children.
– Playworld
Playworld.com/Inclusive 3
Inclusion matters
It’s not just about people with disabilities; it’s abou
12%* of the U.S. population has a severe disabili
A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats
Inclusion matters It’s not just about people wit
Contents 9 The Journey to Inclusive Design
“Do unto others…” is an important principle to li
The Journey to Inclusive Design How Playworld Got
8 Playworld | Inclusion
Inclusion isn’t just about access. It’s about mak
Key to Inclusion: Physical, Sensory, and Social G
Trippple Racer Slide™
12 3 Key to Inclusion: Multiple Levels of Chall
Playground Rating: A Sq
During a study* conducted before and after renova
SEATING Children can only stay as long as their p
All-inclusive Dedication to Play
Principal Baggett researched all the options loca
Ground-based Play While children love the experie
The NEOS® 360 Accessible offers a thrilling, inte
12 3 Everyone at His or Her Level We rate our
Product Example per Level of Challenge Challenge
1 2 Playground Equipment Solutions: 3 Multif
Cruise Line™ U.S. Patent D728,721 S Social
Playground Ratings Every playground can be assess
Playworld.com/Inclusive 25
Inclusion at Any Price Point New Perspective on C
Revised Layout In this layout, the central play
Inclusive Playspace Idea Starter This playground
Existing feature Idea for increasi
30 Playworld | Inclusion
Learn More We’ve developed a variety of resources
Inclusive Presentations for Continuing Education
Playworld.com/Inclusive 33
34 Playworld | Inclusion
Playworld.com/Inclusive 35
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