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Best regards
bm_zmags and int_zmags
Version 15.1.0
Table of Contents
1. Summary .......................................................................................1-3
2. Component Overview ...................................................................2-4
2.1 Functional Overview .....................................................................2-4
2.2 Use Cases ......................................................................................2-4
2.3 Compatibility ................................................................................2-5
2.4 Privacy, Payment ..........................................................................2-5
3. Implementation Guide .................................................................3-6
3.1 Setup .............................................................................................3-6
bm_zmags and int_zmags Version 15.1.0
Table of Contents 1. Summary ..........
1. Summary The Unique Zmags Experience Zmags i
2. Component Overview 2.1 Functional Overvi
2.3 Compatibility Compatible to Demandware
3. Implementation Guide 3.1 Setup The int
3.2 Configuration 3.2.1 Cartridge Setup
4. In the text field Cartridges add in the begi
5. The following textfields are mandatory:
3.2.4 Job For deleting the custom objects of
3. Insert the following text in the textfield (
The file zmags_library.xml contains an example re
3.3 Custom Code 3.3.1 app.js Catalogs
3.3.2 (Optional) Quickview modification The
9. Change this code as follows: /* global add
17. Around line 204 is this code: 18. Change
initAddThis : function () { var addThisSer
3.4 External Interfaces The Zmags interfac
4. Operations, Maintenance Preference Name
5. User Guide 5.1 Roles, Responsibilities
You can customize the templates which are used to
6. Known Issues Mixed content in Chrome and In
7. Release History Version Date Changes