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Best regards
What is the
IGFA Great Marlin Race?
The IGFA Great Marlin Race (IGMR), pre-
sented by Costa Sunglasses®, is the
world's largest billfish satellite tagging
program. This program is a partner-
ship between The International
Game Fish Association (IGFA) and
Stanford University that pairs recre-
ational anglers with cutting-edge sci-
ence to learn more about the basic
biology of billfish and how they utilize
the open ocean habitat. By deploying
pop up satellite archival tags (PSATs) on billfish
at recreational angling tournaments around the
world each year, the IGMR will help increase sci-
entific understanding of the distribution, popu-
lation structure and biology of marlin, and
engage anglers and the general public in the re-
search process. By increasing our understanding
of where these animals go and how they use
What is the IGFA Great Marlin Race? The IGFA Gr
How does it work? The concept behind the IGMR i
How is the tagging data used? Tag sponsors, ang
Is it productive science? The partnership betwe
Why support the IGMR? Globally, most billfish po
How to support the IGMR? Productive science come
The IGFA is a nonprofit organization comm