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Best regards
How a well-run fleet is a vital
asset to a well-run business
In association with
I want my questions
answered when
I ask them
Andy - Fleet Manager
Well, as luck would have it Andy, we now offer a dedicated
Kia Business Centre that can assist you with any questions
you may have. Whether it's about warranty, dealership or
just to discuss last nights telly, we'll be on hand to discuss
whatever's on your mind. Give us call on 01932 283 943.
Dedicated Kia Business Centre. You make us make better cars.
Fuel consumption MPG (I/100km) for Kia range: Urban 29.1 (9.7) – 80.7
(3.5), Extra Urban 46.3 (6.1) – 91.1 (3.1), Combined 38.2 (7.4) – 85.6
(3.3), CO2 emissions 189 – 86g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for
comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. For more
kia.co.uk/fleet I want my questions answere
Making your fleet more successful Editor's welco
Making your fleet more successful 6reat it like a
Treat it like a business Making your fleet more su
Making your fleet more successful 6reat it like a
Treat it like a business Making your fleet more su
Making your fleet more successful 6Je )oXernmentũs
The Government's role Making your fleet more succe
Making your fleet more successful Minimising FoYnt
Minimising downtime Making your fleet more success
Making your fleet more successful 5taying on toR o
Staying on top of costs Making your fleet more suc
Making your fleet more successful 5taying on toR o
Staying on top of costs Making your fleet more suc
Making your fleet more successful 6oR tiRs 10 w
Top ten tips Making your fleet more successful
Making your fleet more successful 6oR tiRs Dri
Top 10 tips Making your fleet more successful
Making your fleet more successful 'lectric or Fies
Electric or diesel? Making your fleet more success
Making your fleet more successful 6Je future of ta
Contact details Making your fleet more successful
kia.co.uk/fleet I want the room to manoeuvre