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ISSN 1752-2935 (online)
Vol.17 · Issue 10 · December 2022/January 2023 www.semiconductor-today.com
Silicon carbide
power device
adoption accelerates
CML buys Microwave Technology · Micross buys KCB Solutions
· Ganvix and BluGlass co-developing green GaN VCSELs
Enabling the Best RF, Photonics
& Power Semiconductors
‘One-stop-shop’ for III-V & Silicon epiwafer products
2” to 6” epitaxy ready substrates & polycrystalline materials
Multiple manufacturing sites; Europe, Asia & America
Leveraging 30+ years of compound semiconductor IP
Custom engineered structures; R&D to production volumes
EUROPE: +44 2920 839 400
AMERICAS: +1 508 824 6696
APAC: +886 3 579 8181
ISSN 1752-2935 (online) semiconductorTODAY COMPOU
3 contents Editorial
4 editorial SiC relying on continued EV adoption
100 95 75 25 5 0 SemiTo
6 news Mini-LEDs to challenge OLEDs in high-end
News: Markets 7 GaN device market grows at 12.13%
8 News: Microelectronics Micross acquires RF & mi
News: Microelectronics 9 CML buys Microwave Techn
10 News: Microelectronics NEC achieves record out
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 11 ROHM appoints n
12 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Onsemi's silico
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 13 onsemi's EliteS
14 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Wolfspeed appoi
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 15 Wolfspeed to su
16 News: Wide-bandgap electronics CEA and Renault
Fuji Electric G-Twin UL Plug-In Series
18 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Infineon's Cool
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 19 Infineon signs
20 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Finwave joins A
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 21 Navitas acquiri
22 News: Wide-bandgap electronics GaN Systems giv
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 23 Q Sustainabili
24 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Transphorm rele
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 25 EPC launches 80
26 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Richtek and EPC
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 27 EPC shipping lo
28 News: Materials and processing equipment Aehr
News: Materials and processing equipment 29 CVD E
30 News: Materials and processing equipment III–V
News: Materials and processing equipment 31 Riber
32 News: Materials and processing equipment 3D-Mi
Enhance Your Innovation Proven Purifier Solutions
34 News: LEDs Silanna UV introduces TO-can packag
News: LEDs 35 Cree LED releases Pro9 versions of
36 News: LEDs MICLEDI demos red AlInGaP micro-LED
News: LEDs 37 SmartKem creates first monolithic m
38 News: LEDs Nichia and Infineon launch first fu
When Accurate Real-Time Measurement Ma�ers
40 News: Optoelectronics Ganvix and BluGlass to c
News: Optoelectronics 41 NUBURU launches compact
42 News: Optoelectronics TRUMPF expands portfolio
News: Optoelectronics 43 TRUMPF and RSP partner t
44 News: Optoelectronics Dutch consortium invests
46 News: Optoelectronics NIST and AIM Photonics c
News: Optoelectronics 47 OpenLight appoints Adam
48 News: Optical communications Coherent appoints
News: Optical communications 49 Lumentum names Ca
50 News: Optical communications POET collaborates
News: Optical communications 51 Production releas
52 News: Photovoltaics Fraunhofer ISE advancing p
News: Photovoltaics 53 First Solar completes sale
54 Market focus: LEDs Mini-LED-backlit automotiv
Market focus: LEDs 55 Lastl
56 Technology focus: Nitride electronics High-te
Technology focus: Nitride electronics 57 opened
58 Technology focus: Nitride diodes Vertical GaN
Technology focus: Nitride diodes 59 grown on fre
60 Technology focus: Nitride substrates Ethylene
Technology focus: Nitride substrates 61 substrat
62 Technology focus: Power electronics Multi-dim
Technology focus: Power electronics 63 the squar
64 Technology focus: Power electronics
66 Market focus: Automotive Automotive semicondu
Market focus: Automotive 67
68 Technology focus: Wide-bandgap electronics Ar
Technology focus: Wide-bandgap electronics 69
70 suppliers' directory Index 1 Bulk crystal so
Suppliers' Directory 71 Kyma Technologies Inc 882
72 Suppliers' Directory www.vitaltfm.com Vital M
Suppliers' Directory 73 SAMCO International Inc 5
74 Suppliers' Directory Vacuum Barrier Corporatio
Suppliers' Directory 75 United Monolithic Semicon
76 event calendar If you would like your event li
Event Calendar 77 7–12 May 2023 2023 Conference