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Best regards
Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 33 • Issue 1 • 2022
In This Issue
View from the Chair ........................... 1
HTC v. Ericsson – Ladies and
Gentlemen, The Fifth Circuit
Doesn’t Know What FRAND
Means Either ................................ 3
Facebook Unfriends Its Own Brand
with the Launch of Meta What
does Facebook’s Rebrand Teach
Us?............................................... 6
Explicit and Implicit Statements —
What You Say Can and Will Be
Used Against You ......................... 8
Name and Image and Likeness,
Oh My! The Growing Industry
of College Athletes’ Intellectual
Property ..................................... 10
View from the Chair
As the new Chair
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
Intellectual Property Law Section 2021-2022 Of
HTC v. Ericsson – Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fifth
calculating the terms of a FRAND license rate.’ (
justify its proposed instructions under French co
demia, he was a partner at the international law
The company invested $10 billion in its virtual r
Explicit and Implicit Statements — What You Say C
Part 2 — Implicit Statements: What Data Implies C
Name and Image and Likeness, Oh My! The Growing I
must meet in order to be eligible to compete in N
• Postsecondary educational institutions and at
inducements by universities remain in effect, and