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Best regards
Summer 2018
There may be danger
underfoot for your flock in terms of
environmental contaminants—and that
could mean danger for you, too, if you
ingest their meat or eggs. Find out what
to look for.
Dr. Brigid McCrea explains
all about a hard-to-see CLICK
ectoparasite that can cause much damage
to your flock. Learn about Scaly Leg Mites, HERE
and how to treat for them.
to sign up for
your FREE digital
subscription to
Successfully incubating
chicks is immensely
rewarding, but th
Summer 2018 12 PITESKY’S POULTRY
Keeping your flock happy and healthy for over
I need some help here PEOPLE! SweetPDZPRONTO! Oh
Contents Summer 2018 6 FROM THE EDITOR Andy sha
From the Editor Two Things I Can’t Stress Enoug
Where does the buck stop? Here! Now to a muc
SURVEY Andy wants to hear about you! Please take
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Don’t miss a single issue! Subscribe to featuri
PITESKY'S POULTRY Is There Danger Underfoot
Is There Danger Underfoot?
PITESKY'S POULTRY This “we are what we eat
Is There Danger Underfoot? Dioxins are compoun
PITESKY'S POULTRY used in paints in the U.S. u
Is There Danger Underfoot? monitored by the Fo
PLAIN TALK Knemidocoptiasis Hard to pronounce
Knemidocoptiasis www.chickendoorso.com
PLAIN TALK While there are a couple other
Knemidocoptiasis The edges of the scales on this
PLAIN TALK What to look for Normal, health
Knemidocoptiasis Scaly Leg Mites. However, you
HANDS-ON HELP Hatching a Plan Incubating chic
Hatching a Plan
HANDS-ON HELP Start with a clean start The
Hatching a Plan moisture. Eggs should be store
HANDS-ON HELP and our eggs are warmed up to ro
Hatching a Plan On the day of hat
THE BACK STORY How To Meet Producers can get prem
How To Meet The Standard The Standard By Frank R.
THE BACK STORY What it takes to get certified
How To Meet The Standard for a number of years
THE BACK STORY being produced for market are h
How To Meet The Standard A historical note on
HOT TOPICS What Really Works? Scientifically te
Infections with coccidia Chickens become infe
HOT TOPICS Green tea was prepared fresh e
What Really Works? did not know what group was
HOT TOPICS we had the same concerns regarding
What Really Works? coccidia. What we saw was t
MARKET PLACE www.myerspoul
Quality Housing for Chicken Safety • From 6'x13
REAL REVIEW New Technology Opens New Doors The Pu
The Pullet-Shut automatic chicken coop door Eas
We support strong females. Purina layer feeds inc
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