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Best regards
Hunter Roberts
Construction Group
New soccer arena brings
world-class facility to
New Jersey
Aspen Ridge Homes
Developing a sustainable Utah Experienced homebuilder
branches out̶and up
We Create. We Inspire. We Connect. We Care.
Architecture, Planning, Interiors, Graphics
Washington, DC | 202.339.8700
Simplified design. Sus
We Create. We Inspire. We Connect. We Care.
Simplified design. Sus The three-in-one, singl
Lamarite® Composite Roofing MetalWorks® Metal Roofi
S ome days it seems the only construction
SAHARA INC. Creating the first LEED Platinum-certi
36 Menkes Developments Ltd. Developer’s values le
123 Drexel University University grows in student
Committed to Leadership The American College and
O n a planet that needs to become
environmental footprints. Many had even begun off
T o the casual observer, a window is a ho
Perimeter sealants had been redone sporadically n
Honest Lending Being upfront with lenders improve
W hile lending lifelines
Drywall Drama Insurance may help reduce losses i
defenses against lead paint and asbestos cla
Meeting the Challenge Developer capitalizes on r
term tenants have grown to trust us and, becau
We want to continue to build equity on our projec
Timʼs Toyota CenterinPrescottValey,Arizona
A POSITIVE IMPACT “Smaller to midsize communi
Community Essentials Sustainable grocery and dru
Broadmoor Shopping Centre DDC JOURNAL | SUMME
Towerlane Mall What weʼre trying to do with
trying to serve. We think we're doing all the rig
Rise Up Innovative company offers economical exp
bringing new marketing and general contracting se
VÜ from the Top Experienced homebuilder branches
VÜ groundbreaking
the task becomes repeating the same floor over an
Flooring includes laminate throughout with p
marketing to putting plans into action, the small
Building Blocks Real estate leader makes an impr
In addition to being environmentally su
25 York Menkes Developments Ltd. Cecil Magee | C
Some of Menkes' newest i
James Cooper Mansion Tridel Danny Tito | Project
Two winches work simultaneously to roll the Mansi
that means we're not only preserving the woodwork
River Landing Village in Saskatoon Th
River Landing Village in Saskatoon interior
Toronto Police Service Training Facility On Targe
Toronto Police Service Training Facility
construction could move forward definitively. How
High-Rise Ontario New condominium brings transit
L ocated near La
Barr and Barr, Inc. Thomas LePage | Senior Vice P
New West Wing addition for New York Hospital Quee
job. After a series of interviews, Barr and Bar
We are proud to be a part of the
Center of Excellence A hospital expansion built
Itʼs going to be a long, hard road to get there,
Outside the Box Innovative affordable housing in
950 Westchester Ave, Bronx, New York W
its challenges. As a former temporary housing sit
City Living Developer makes Manhattan’s Upper Ea
by first making them field clerks then assistant
bedroom homes as well as two penthouse suites. C
Converted Masterpiece The Upper East Side’s midc
Living room at Manhattan House M anhat
2008 and construction has been ongoing. The Secon
New York Style Building high-end facilities in t
N ew York
The Adagio project The big companies hav
are continuing to be paid very well here. We were
Developing with Aplomb Western New York develope
Electric Tower 2410 North Forest exteri
good, long-term relationships with many of them.
Infinity Home Collection
Upscale Production Customer service and quality
salespeople demonstrate a high level of confidenc
Triple Bottom Line Threefold goal leads develope
the beginning, making sure contractors, broke
Building a Village Developer builds communities
central main street or green space as a commercia
High Standards Developer’s business model sets a
Our buildings are not the typical tilt-up structu
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Cottonwo
Manager for Redden. “The church will start a c
Village at Winter Park Ethical Considerati
“We made a commitment several years ago to
J.P. Cullen and Sons, Inc.
C elebrating it
much better than coming to the table and telli
Government Green Design/builder tackles green mil
200-unit Bachelor Enlisted Quarters facility w
BEQs first built in the 1980s. There are 160 un
One of a Kind A unique contractor pulls off compl
Cooling towers Clark Constructi
captures much of the energy that is used in its a
Epic Campus Lean and Green Contractor stream
F our generation
Epic Learning Campus
J.P. Cullen is not the on
Daybreak Corporate Center Bountiful Green Servi
like financing, design and even site location. In
Daybreak Corporate Center
Daybreak Corporate Center achieves a n
Founders Square (©Interface Multimedia)
Despite its small size as a c
National Green Construction company takes proact
With its focus on green, Weitz has been
A New Utah Transforming downtown Salt Lake City
says Heckman. “They retained an independent real
Better with Age Premier senior living in Puget S
Aljoya Thornton Place At a techn
the Northgate Mall immediately adjacent to the fa
Drexel University
By Land and by Sea Living and teaching sustainab
is also an aquarium laboratory where marine life
Ingram-Pye Elementary School rendering High-Perf
We are providing high-quality facilities wh
we have done a life cycle cost analysis and verif
College of Charleston Monica Scott | Vice Preside
Historic Charm An aggressive campus expansion in
with all of the attendant amenities such as locke
Green Growth University grows in students and su
Millennium Residence Hall N
certified buildings. However, when it came to LEE
Highlands Edinboro University William Coleman |
LIVE, WORK AND PLAY BeforethedevelopmentoftheHigh
SPLOST to the Future Special tax raises revenue
When planning and building a SPLOST-funded
Schools use capital dollars to do major and not s
Hunter Roberts Construction Group ENTERTAINMENT
Soccer Explosion A new soccer arena brings world
T he long-anticipated Red Bu
From a construction standpoint the key f
Proud to be part of the construction of the Red B
Bulls were the runners-up in the 2008 MLS Cup. In
The complex structural steel system th
Transformative Space A new performing arts cente
I n 1990, Prince William County in Virginia co
Scheduled to open in the spring of 2010,
From an economic standpoint, the new arts
Challenging Builds By teaming early, contractor
We have to build completely around it, while no
Competitive Spirit Contractor goes on constructi
Foundation work at Trico Centre
center. “We likely received the job because of ou
Louisville’s New Arena Experienced team delivers
We are building in an urban environment right do
Matthews Southwest
Industrial Titans The transformation from manufa
We understand what it takes to be a manufacturer
Musical Arrangements Bringing the performing arts
Ray Charles Performing Arts Center
Building Barracks New barracks complex is anothe
2nd BCT Barracks Complex B
happen. “Pretty much every design/build job we ha
Evolving Lifestyles Innovation in Houston’s reta
various collections of merchants. These merchants
The Place to Be Office building connects Houston
H ouston, Texas, has a vibrant downto
Quarry Village Meeting All Needs Developer intr
Embrey is a full-
Up for the Challenge Small developer takes on bi
Calgary skyline, The Bow There were a number
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Fa
Stoney Trail interchange at Country Hills Bouleva
Transportation Innovation A world-renowned Minis
says Bancarz. “It was a great example of forward-
Great Land Overcoming Alaska’s public works obsta
“Open season is where the pipeline constru
Interstate 80 From Salt Lake to Rock Salt
I-80 EXPANSION PROJECT There is a stretch of high
Volume 2 - Issue 2 8;M
Summer 2009
Real estate capabilities you can count on. Ach
shell structure study - www.som.com - somnystudio