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The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses ®
APRIL/MAY 2012 • VOL. 59, NO. 3
National Student Nurses’Association®
& Columns
pg.9 Participate on
the National
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for Imprint
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Membership Benefits & Highlights………………………………… 6
News: NSNA……………………………………………………… 9
National…………………………………………………… 11
People……………………………………………………… 13
Happenings……………………………………………………… 14
Community Health & Disaster Preparedness……………………… 15
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Imprint The Prof
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GUEST EDITORIAL Medora McGinnis Imprint® Editor
professional education, some things haven’t chang
MEMBERSHIP Margaret Ngai, Vice President 2011-201
BENEFITS & HIGHLIGHTS Professional Liability Ins
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N E W S : NSNA® Important Deadlines Call
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12 APRIL/MAY 2012
N E W S : People Rebecca Patton Selected as ANA
HAPPENINGS IOWA Mercy College of Health Science
COMMUNITY HEALTH Rhys Haydon, Director and Chair,
The program recommends three action steps for car
LEGISLATION EDUCATION The Legislation/ Educatio
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HAPPENINGS (Continued from page 14) SOUTH CAROLIN
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IMAGE OF NURSING The Image of Nursing column ex
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UP CLOSE Moments Most life-changing decisions a
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F O U N D A T I O N of the NSNA® In Memory of
NSNA ALUMNI To celebrate the upcoming NSNA 60th
Texas and later for the nation. The responsibili
(Continued from page 27) The second year was a g
Speaking for her generation, Sharon Brigner, 1996
Mary Foley and Pamela Cipriano (the NSNA 60th Ann
I was in nursing school in Boston from 1970 throu
32 APRIL/MAY 2012
(Continued from page 31) I really enjoyed being
How it Grew The First 25 Years By Dorothy Nayer
Meetings, debates, and study of organization and
The first professional display commemorating NSN
representative per state (and) dues for each dele
(Continued from page 37) An issue still is discus
in the 1960s by Mary Dennesaites Morgan In Janua
(Continued from page 39) Laura Smith was the seni
balancing act was there between the art and scien
Challenges of the seventies and early eighties by
A student addresses the House of Delegates during
(Continued from page 43) In contrast, the focus o
1952 Atlantic City, NJ
1961 “Today’s Challenges -
1976 “Nursing: Person to Person”
1990 “NSNA: Setting the Stage”
2002 “Embracing the Past
The PresidenTs of The naTional sTudenT nurses’ as
1995 – 1996 Kathryn E. Sexson Ancho
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NSNA HONORARY MEMBERS Receiving Honorary Members
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