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<br /> Power and Performance to Exercise, Condition and Rehabilitate<br /> Hydrotherapy Pools | Plunge Pools<br /> why choose SwimEx?<br /> The most versatile and<br /> powerful pools on the market<br /> for rehabilitation, recovery, and<br /> training.<br /> Chosen by professionals worldwide<br /> as the ultimate in hydrotherapy.<br /> Harness the power of water for<br /> positive treatment and exercise<br /> outcomes.<br /> 1|<br /> SwimEx aquatic therapy machines with:<br /> ‡3RROZLGHODPLQDUÁRZFDSDEOHRIFLUFXODWLQJJDOORQV OLWHUV <br /> of water per minute in a smooth, river-like current.<br /> ‡ ZDWHUFXUUHQWVSHHGVVWURQJHQRXJKWRWUHDWWKHPRVWFRPSHWLWLYH<br /> athlete or gentle enough for a frail patient.<br /> ‡([WUDGHHSZDWHUÁRZWKDWDFWVDVDVHFRQGSDLURIKDQGVWRVXSSRUW<br /> patient during treatments.<br /> ‡Multiple water depths to progress from acute rehab in non-weight bearing<br /> to weight bearing protocols.<br /> ‡:LGHZDWHUÁ<a title="Swimex - Catalog page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=1"> Power and Performance to Exercise, Condition and </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=2"> why choose SwimEx? The most versatile and power</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=3"> Simply the most versatile & </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 4" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=4"> built to last...easy to maintain A Proud Herita</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 5" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=5"> www.swimex.com | 4</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 6" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=6"> developed by pioneers LQÀEHUJODVV with the vision</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 7" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=7"> Fiberglass Branches for Disney's Tree of Life </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 8" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=8"> EHQHÀWV of using a SwimEx pool “SwimEx sets t</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 9" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=9"> www.swimex.com | 8</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 10" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=10"> models features Flat-Bottom Pools )ODW%RWWRPS</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 11" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=11"> 800 T WS 1</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 12" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=12"> Performance Zone Pools Workstation Pools are grea</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 13" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=13"> SwimEx Paddlewheel Current The paddlewheel water </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 14" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=14"> Choose the SwimEx WKDWÀWV your site and your need</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 15" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=15"> ORKSTATIONS W AND POOL VIEW OF PLAN 500 T/500 OT</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 16" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=16"> features options Have it your way with our sta</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 17" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=17"> e l b Massage Jets A triangle of three jets in f</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 18" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=18"> Performance Zones D H G Zo</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 19" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=19"> 6ZLP([7 Exercise Stations </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 20" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=20"> The Best Hot & Cold Plunge Pools SwimEx plunge</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 21" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=21"> www.swimex.com | 20</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 22" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=22"> Plunge Pools %HQHÀWV ‡Bottom drains for full </a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 23" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=23"> www.swimex.com | 22</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 24" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=24"> 23 |</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 25" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=25"> Phases of Installation expert help every s</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 26" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=26"> client testimonials “It's a huge factor in why pe</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 27" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=27"> www.swimex.com | 26</a> <a title="Swimex - Catalog page 28" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/fd62ca7d?page=28"> $LUSRUW5G TELEPHONE </a>