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Best regards
The graduation requirements for any individual student are normally determined by the catalog that was effective when
the student matriculated in the major. A student may choose to follow the catalog effective for the semester when the
student expects to complete his/her graduation requirements. A student who changes majors may petition to revert to
the catalog in effect at the time of matriculation into the university. The policies, procedures and academic regulations
published in the American University of Sharjah catalog are effective at the time of publication but may be subject to
change. Students are responsible for adherence to the most up-to-date policies, procedures and academic regulations.
His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi
Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah
CATALOG 2019–2020
Graduate Catalog 2019–2020
His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qa
Chancellor's Message Since its founding by His
Board of Trustees and Emeriti Board of Trustees
University Administrators University Administra
Organizational Chart
Graduate Academic Calendar 2019–2020 Graduate A
Directory Directory UAE Code 971, Sharjah Code
Campus Map
Table of Contents Table of Contents Board of
The University The University Historical Pream
The University The bachelor of science degree pr
Campus Life Campus Life The Campus Complex Ame
Campus Life and comprehensive printing facilitie
Campus Life teaching and research. Lab activitie
Campus Life effects; preparation of macrohazard
Campus Life tennis, squash and volleyball courts
Campus Life The university's intramural sports p
Campus Life most of what AUS has to offer, such
Admission to Graduate Studies Admission to Grad
Admission to Graduate Studies Abu Dhabi and Duba
Admission to Graduate Studies details on student
Admission to Graduate Studies Education Affairs
Admission to Graduate Studies institutions locat
Tuition and Fees Tuition and Fees Graduate Tui
Tuition and Fees Student Housing Fees (in AED) Ro
Academic Policies and Regulations Academic Inte
Academic Policies and Regulations academic disho
Academic Policies and Regulations instance will
Academic Policies and Regulations Student Recor
Academic Policies and Regulations Registration
Academic Policies and Regulations student's prog
Academic Policies and Regulations aware that fur
Academic Policies and Regulations Application Pr
Academic Policies and Regulations Interrupted St
Academic Policies and Regulations Fields of Stu
Academic Policies and Regulations Grades and Ac
Academic Policies and Regulations Prospective ca
Academic Policies and Regulations Academic Dismi
Academic Policies and Regulations Student Petit
Academic Policies and Regulations Graduation T
Academic Policies and Regulations the tuition ra
Academic Policies and Regulations first registra
Academic Policies and Regulations requirements o
College of Architecture, Art and Design College
College of Architecture, Art and Design Academic
College of Arts and Sciences College of Arts an
College of Arts and Sciences · TRA 510 Research
College of Arts and Sciences · ELT 619 Practicum
College of Arts and Sciences · MTH 505 Ordinary
College of Engineering College of Engineering
College of Engineering Master's Thesis/Professio
College of Engineering · nine credit hours of re
College of Engineering professional project with
College of Engineering scientific methods in a
College of Engineering The program is continuous
College of Engineering Students in the course op
College of Engineering Core Courses (15 credit h
College of Engineering field may be considered o
College of Engineering Mission Statement The Mas
College of Engineering elective course outside t
College of Engineering · ESM 721 Sustainable Dev
School of Business Administration School of Bus
School of Business Administration recognized cer
School of Business Administration other top empl
School of Business Administration · ACC 620 Fore
College of Architecture, Art and Design
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
College of Engineering
Graduate Course Descriptions
School of Business Administration
Graduate Course Descriptions
Full-Time Faculty Full-Time Faculty A Abdall
Full-Time Faculty Anwar, Somia, MBA, American Un
Full-Time Faculty Engineering and Acting Dean, C
Full-Time Faculty Horger, Christopher, MA, Unive
Full-Time Faculty Milic, Nebojsa, PhD, Baylor Un
Full-Time Faculty Sheil, Philip, MFA, University
Printed: September 5, 2019 Office of the Registra
American University of Sharjah