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Best regards
The Taste of Texas
December 8th, 2018
Navasota, Texas
females - bulls - embryos
Navasota, texas
The Taste of Texas
daily happenings
Friday, December 7th
12 pm - cattle available for viewiNg
5 pm - spoNsor preseNtatioNs:
west way feeds - vigortoNe ag products - ovageNix
6 pm - meet & greet iNcludiNg local craft beverages
& fullblood wagyu tacos from marble raNch beef
Saturday, December 8th
8 am - cattle available for viewiNg
12 pm - complimeNtary fullblood wagyu brisket
1 pm - marble geNetics’ The Taste of Texas
productioN sale
sale managed by JDA, Inc WWW.JdAonLine.coM - 530-668-1224
sale representatives bid online
Butch Booker, Auctioneer
Mercedes dAnekAs-Lohse, JdA, inc.
sherry dAnekAs, JdA, inc
The Taste of Texas December 8th, 2018
Navasota, texas The Taste of Texas dail
welcome to texas! what aN amaziNg year 2018 has b
lot 1 FluSh opportunIty lot 1mg mS ShIgeSh
lot 2a lot 2b All full sibs to 51c2 & 51c4 cho
lot 3 lot 3ll mS mIchIFuKu 51w FEMAlE 1
lot 5 progeny of lot 5 lot 7 progeny of
lot 8 progeny of lot 8 lot 9 full sib to lot
lot 10 lot 10ll mS ItomIchI 101X FEMAlE
lot 11 progeny of lot 11 lot 12 progeny of
lot 13 full sib to lot 13 progeny of
lot 15 progeny of lot 16 lot 16 progeny of lot
lot 17
choIce lot lot 19all mS ItohAnA 92X FEMAlE
lot 20 lot 20 • Sells Pregnant • PE
lot 22 3/4 sib to lot 22 lot 23 3/4 sib to lot 2
lot 24 1/2 sib to lot 24 lot 25 1/2 sib to lot
lot 26 lot 26ll mS FuKuJIrou 117X FEMAlE
lot 28 1/2 sib to lot 28 lot 29 progeny of
lot 30 progeny of lot 30 lot 31 progeny of lot 3
lot 33 progeny of lot 33 lot 34 progeny o
lot 35 3/4 sib to lot 35 lot 36 1/2 sib to
lot 37 3/4 sib to lot 37 lot 38 1/2 sib to
lot 39
lot 41 All progeny of lot 41 lot 41
lot 42 lot 43 lot uKb mS I313 42 FEMAlE 01
lot 44 progeny of lot 44 lot 44 FEMAlE
lot 46 progeny of lot 46 lot 47 3/4 sib t
lot 48 full sib to lot 48 lot 49 1/2 sib
lot 51 1/2 sib to lot 50 1/2 sib t
lot 52 progeny of lot 52 lot 53 progeny of
tf728 X 44W itoMichi 1/2 X 44W lot 53,
lot 58 progeny of lot 58 progeny of
lot 60 SrgeenJJIrIro...J...r....1..5..
lot 62 lot 63 full sib to lot 62 lot 62mg mS
lot 64 lot 64 • B3C • PE to MG Shigeshi
lot 66 lot ll mS ItomIchI 71X 66 FEMAlE
lot 68 full sib to lot 68 lot 69 progeny
lot 70 lot 71 lot 70 • F11C • AI’d 11/4/18
lot 72 progeny of A 1/2 sib to lot 72 lot 7
lot 74mg mS mIchIyoShI 104c FEMAlE 8/3/2015
lot 77 lot 78 full sib in blood to lot 78
lot 79 progeny of lot 80 lot 80 lot 79ll
lot 81 lot 81 lot 82
lot 83 progeny of lot 84 lot 84 progeny of full
lot 85 lot 86 lot 85 lot 86
lot 87 lot 88 lot ll mS yASuFuKu Jr 21u 87 FEMA
lot 89mg mS ShIgeShIgetAnI 128A FEMAlE 9/27/2
lot 93 progeny of lot 93
lot 95mg mS ItomIchI 09A FEMAlE 2/12/2013
lot 98a dAM of lot 98A lot 98b progeny of
lot 99 1/2 sib to lot 99 lot 100 progeny
lot 102 lot 103 progeny of lot 103
SerVIce SIreS a MAlE 03/09/2016 D1
K MAlE 07/07/2016 MG 205D FB37543
SAle mAnAgeD by James Danekas & associates, inc.
c/o James Danekas & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 862