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Philips emergency medicine
ultrasound tutorial
Ultrasound-guided ulnar nerve block for the
management of 5th metacarpal fractures
Michael B. Stone, MD, RDMS
Department of Emergency Medicine
Alameda County Medical Center –
Highland General Hospital
Arun Nagdev, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
Alameda County Medical Center –
Highland General Hospital
Table of contents
Ultrasound-guided ulnar nerve block for the
management of 5th metacarpal fractures
1 Introduction ............................................................ 3
2 Clinical case ............................................................ 4
3 Anatomy .................................................................. 7
4 Ultrasound views – techniques .......................... 8
5 Ultrasound-guided block – technique ............ 14
6 Clinical pearls ...........................
Philips emergency medicine ultrasound tutorial Ul
Table of contents Ultrasound-guided ulnar nerve
1 Introduction Emergency physicians often care f
2 Clinical case A young adult male presents to t
Figure 1 Examination of the patient’s hand demons
2 Clinical case Figure
3 Anatomy The ulnar nerve travels in the volar c
4 Ultrasound views – technique Position the pati
Figure 3 A high-frequency linear transducer is ap
4 Ultrasound views – technique
First, identify the ulnar artery, which is easily
4 Ultrasound views – technique As the practitio
Video 1 As the transducer is moved proximally up
5 Ultrasound-guided block technique Short-bevele
Identify an appropriate location along the ulnar
5 Ultrasound-guided block technique
Video 3 Local anesthetic is injected around the u
5 Ultrasound-guided block technique
Video 5 This video is another example of an ultra
6 Clinical pearls Only inject anesthetic when th
• Approaching the patient’s arm from the cephalad
7 Case resolution An ulnar nerve block is perfor
Figure 6 Post-reduction oblique radiograph demons
8 Bibliography 1. Stone MB, Muresanu M. Ultraso
Additional resources Additional resources relate
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