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Editor’s Note
Satisfying the
Season’s Cravings
Isn’t it remarkable how our
meals and snacks change just as
quickly as summer turns to fall?
The dishes get heartier, and even
fruity desserts seem to have more
density. This issue is full of recipes
for dishes geared to the season.
They reflect both the palate change that seems to
accompany the crispness in the air and our desire to
celebrate the season’s holidays.
In this issue, Chef Jonathan Dixon provides
the perfect Oktoberfest menu. He’s got the meal
October 2012 www.TDN-Digital.com
Editor’s Note Satisfying the Season’s Cravings
Bake it better for you. You’re picky about your i
October 2012 Volume 8, Numbe
8 Etcetera 10 Nutrition by the Numbers
Advisors Suzanne Bowland, founder and president o
OCTOBER 2012 9
Nutrition by the Numbers Yogurt 10 Ways l Cow
calories and with as much as three times the prot
Editor’s Note Money Savers Eat Well on a Budge
six meals or a variation of them every week, so l
“Use up the vegetables in soups, salads, or for s
Go with your gut pun intended Is your gut tel
Powerhouse Nutritious Nut Spreads Thinking Out
and seed butters, store opened hazelnut butter in
can inhibit cholesterol absorption in the intesti
NoGii Kid: Cade Spingola
Mashed Cauliflower With Fennel and Lemon Peel
DAVID FEDER, RD, is a former professional chef an
Pork Chops With Mustard and Sour Cream
ate the marriage of ce Ludwig and the en Prince
Editor’s Note In Season Pumpkin Mini Cakes End
Holidays Halloween Treats T
Bite-Sized Pumpkin and
Books for Cooks Are there any moms who aren’t
The premise of The Mile End Cookbook by Noah and
Q&A Sunny Sweeney C o
Sweeney: My friend and trainer Joanna Janet. She
The Spice Is Right Turmeric From helping reduc
control, suffer from digestive issues, are regula
Cooking for Health No-Fear Pressure Cooking I
Asian-Flavored Meat Loaf Very tasty stuff. Add a
Food Culture ArtBites A Taste of History I
journey of Alexander the Great. An exhibit of Imp
Food Culture l Make it fun. “Keep it simple.
What I Can’t Live Without Take Two Danny Boom
“I prefer to find a new ingredient or method, play
Uncommon Taste A Taste of Vietnam I
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Coming Next Issue Coming in November When th