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Best regards
HealtHcare facilities international review
no. 04
Living out
the goLden years
in an engaging
reLying on the power
of medicaL hypnosis
with dr. Fabienne roelants
and dr. christine Watremez
at Nebraska
MediciNe iN the U.s.
clinical anesthesiologists dr. fabienne roelants and
dr. christine watremez explain why and how medical
hypnosis helps to improve the quality of a patient’s
experience before, during and after surgery. explore this
issue further in the Meet the Experts section.
dr. Brad Britigan, President of Nebraska Medicine and
dean of University of Nebraska Medical center’s college
of Medicine, dr. alan Langnas, director of Liver
transplantation and dr. phil smith, Medical director
of the biocontainment Unit, Nebraska Medicine explain
how this facility ra
HealtHcare facilities international review
contributors clinical anesthesiologists dr. fab
contents 18 exceediN
heaLthcare FaciLities iNterNatiONaL reVieW
Meet the experts
Meet the experts
“Hypnosis can be quite empowering as it EnablEs t
Meet the experts “WE dEvElop
dr. christine Watremez, clinical anesthesiologist
Quality of Life trends and Figures Focu
60% oF lEadErs in Hospitals identified tHe link b
Quality of Life issues and topics MaNaGiNG staFF
bonn chief nursing officer, medical iE clippEr,
Quality of Life issues and topics are W
dr. bEtsabé lara arrambidE, centro médico sabinas
aging Well it’s NeVer tOO Late tO LearN aNd GrO
heaLthcare FaciLities iNterNatiONaL reVieW
aging Well celebrating birthdays at the t
5 thin
surgeons in the operating room of Nebraska Medici
Life size Nebraska MediciNe GOiNG abOVe aNd
Life size kate boulter, lead clinical nurse mak
“We came here because it’s the best care you’ll e
Life size “austin was 15 months old when h
“i am a hEalthy livEr transplant survivor of 17 y
a mother wheels her son, a very young transplant
Life size “my attending nurses are kind, comf
Life size “Food and nutrition is an
inside the kitchen, a sodexo staff member prepare
Life size “thE mEdical school crEatEs
iMPrOViNG the PatieNt exPerieNce thrOUGh t
User Guide transport services caPitaLiziNG ON
+25% higher productivity rates were experienced i
sOdexO NeWs arOUNd the WOrLd
iMPrOViNG the QUaLitY OF LiFe OF saMsUNG teaMs s
sOdexO’s WOrkPLace treNds rePOrt shOWs the rise O
eNsUriNG the WeLL-beiNG OF FreNch trOOPs sOdexO h
LeadiNG the WaY iN FaciLities MaNaGeMeNt sOdexO’s
settiNG the staNdard iN sUstaiNabiLitY for t
in this issue “maintaining excellent Quality of l