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LAND AND WATER MAGAZINE CELEBRATING 42 YEARS! The JULY/AUGUST 2016 issue features stormwater basin naturalization and conversion; geosynthetic reinforcement; Cascade Meadows wetlands; understanding soil organic matter; Buras Boat Harbor shoreline protection; bringing an urban stream back to life.
Naturalization and Conversion
Geosynthetic Reinforcement
Cascade Meadow Wetlands
Organic MatterWith Biotic Earth™, a hydraulically applied Biotic Soil Amendment, know that Mother Nature is working for you in the long term. There will be no need to haul in expensive topsoil or to just seed onto poor quality existing soil and hope for vegetation to grow. With Biotic Earth™ Mother Nature does the work for you by improving your soil, improving your vegetation – and all while reducing your costs!
The vegetation will grow stronger and you can put your project
With Biotic Earth™, a hydraulically applied Biotic
Nedia Enterprises is the natural choice for erosio
Articles for the July/Aug 2016 issue include Storm
Highways, Interstate work, Median seeding, are eas
TRUST - WHAT'S IN A WORD? Webster's dictionary say
Stormwater Basin Naturalization and Conversion, Va
The resulting sedimentation had significantly redu
The areas outside the newly constructed stream cha
The design/build process has been used by the Vill
The first step of constructing the stream channel
Understanding Soil Organic Matter Will Help You Ch
Successful revegetation projects often require soi
Second, but not less important to revegetation suc
While we do not have control over most environment
Most soil testing services will provide recommenda
Geosynthetic Reinforcement Allows for Smooth Flow
Best management practices for the project were def
The geogrid allowed for the traffic loading to be
This particular installation is where a non-woven
A number of products may require staples, such as
A more robust securing device, once this product i
Whether for a movie set's fake snow or stadium's a
In 2013, The City of Atlanta's Department of Water
Atlanta selected the McDaniel Branch basin just so
These wetlands and ponds also detain stormwater d
At every step in the design process, maximizing th
Several unanticipated maintenance issues were disc
This restoration project has given a second life t
StormTech combines over a decade of expe
A sub-surface CULTEC Recharger V8HD stormwater man
To ensure rainwater is kept out of the landfill an
The company's typical stormwater systems are desig
Pond Restoration Project: Long Term Phosphorus Ina
How do you address years of built up nutrients in
Long term water quality monitoring, development of
With the unanticipated condition of the pond, an o
A successful alum treatment requires substantial p
Decades of marsh erosion and subsidence along the
Living shoreline solutions protect from erosion in
Wave tank experiments demonstrated that one layer
The Flatrock River winds through the Owens-Forrest
Soil is our most valuable resource and it takes a
The Ecological Society of America suggests that al
In upcoming issues of Land & Water and other perio
One of the largest challenges of the Cascade Meado
Cascade Meadows Wetland and Science Center in Roch
Cascade Meadow/Lourdes High School project had 7.3
This vegetative community was constructed through
Certified weed-seed-free-straw was blanketed over
Creation of dissipaters began by shaping incised b
The resulting project and mission of the Cascade M
Index to the Advertisers in the July/August 2016 i
BioD-WatlTM coir wattles provide the most cost eff
SUPERthrive maximizes potential by quickly buildin