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Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 29 • Issue 2 • 2018
In This Issue
VidAngel Not Saved by the Family
Movie Act .................................... 1
View from the Chair .......................... 2
Patent Monetization during World
War FRAND .............................. 14
Michigan Patent Pro Bono Project
Serves Under-Resourced
Inventors: Seeks to Expand
Volunteer Attorney Panel .......... 23
Where Are We Now: Evolution of
PTO Ethics Opinions ................. 24
VidAngel Not Saved by the Family Movie Act
By Stacy Skankey
The Ninth Circuit’s decision in Disney Enter. v. VidAngel, Inc.1 provides the first
appellate interpretation and application of the Family Movie Act of 2005 (“FMA”).2
The FMA permits removing objectio
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
View from the Chair Greetings from the IP Sec
VidAngel ... Continued from page 1 provided sol
rights even though the performances were transmit
Peters, stated in the congressional hearings on t
able content that viewers may wish to filter.99 T
The Future of Filtering Services
transferred the digital music file.156 This opini
desire filtered movies without using ClearPlay, S
7 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(A).
56 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(3)(A). 57 Id. 58 17 U.S
102 Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S.
151 Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi, Inc., 934 F.
Patent Monetization during World War FRAND By Mi
18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,00
Whatever happened to the UPC? One developme
among the challenges to its position is the issue
Case study: *Ericsson v TCL* Ericsson’s o
In contrast, the recent TCL v Ericsson ruli
Leading FRAND Rulings by Region Region Case
Differences Between the Forums United States US
this. The dispute between TCL and Ericsson began
For the majority of assets, the United States
Where Are We Now: Evolution of PTO Ethics Opinion
eign associate. Instead, “the registered practit
Does the Foreign Associate Referral Client Confli
Are You Engaged in Unlawful Fee-Splitting with a
Invite someone you know to join the fun