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Beefmaster enters the world of genomics.
ponsor Opportunities
JBBA National Convention and Shows
BBU Convention – Island Time
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JC & Teri Thompson
11563 Hwy 90 North
Bedias, TX 77831
Bullet Proof X Magical Pearl Sugar Bear X Body Potion Bullet Proof X Magical Pearl
C1045208 • DOB 03/02/2014 C1030030 • 02/10/2013 C1045212 • 03/08/2014
Dr. Love X Miss Leigh Ann II Clone
C1043955 • DOB 01/31/2014
**Painted Tiger X Satin Lady
C1043026 • 12/09/2013
Red Bayou X Chill Out
C1030914 • 02/25/2013
Pair – C1023601
Heifer Calf at Side • DOB 02/10/2015
Synergy X Sugar
Full Speed Ahead Beefmaster enters the world of g
C ck Here to V ew Sa e Cata og! li i l
Bullet Proof X Magical Pearl Sugar
Volume 37, Number 5
Beefmaster Educational Endowment Foundation Buil
2015 Advantage Sale Buyers T hank You to All tha
urchased in the 2015 Advantage Sale May
Beefmaster Breeders United 6800 Park Ten Blvd., S
24-hour room service, indoor lap pool and fitness
BEEFMASTER SALE MAy 30, 2015 – 11:00
President’s Message Registrations Moving Back S
Executive Notes Beefmaster Breed Progressing in
developed to date and the breeds that have alread
Junior Breeder News The Win by Makaela Naum
Unclassified Old Bull A not too serious visit wi
Sale Scenes Rhonda and Paul Wa
Don Bailey, Pinson, Tenn., center, consigned the
31st Annual Convention and National Junior
2015 JBBA National Convention and Shows S
Contact These Breeders Today For The Best In Pol
collier FArMS ADvAnTAge SAle April 11 – giDDin
ARKANSAS Dedicated to Outstanding Genetics
TEXAS Colonel tom Arthur W. Epley III,
TEXAS Lowery Beefmasters Barney & Marge Lo
Cavalier X CF Sex Life CF 670 – Oasis
Advertisers’ Index Alvarez Beefmasters .........
lIVestoCK serVICes Livestock Insurance
30 The Beefmaster Cowman / May 2015
May 2015 / The Beefmaster Cowman 31
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Beefmaster Calendar EDITOR’S NOTE: Bold face lis
Kohutek 301 South Texas BBA San Antonio Rose Clas
Jones Farm & Cottage Farm SOUTHERN TRADITIO
If you are looking for a red bull with length, mu