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Best regards
The Right Mix
Balanced management yields success
for Environmental Award winner
JBBA Celebrates 30 Years
“BIG” International Event
Coming Soon
Also Inside:
SouthTexas BBA
Membership Directory
Nove ber 22, 2014
2 The Beefmaster Cowman / July 2014
July 2014 / The Beefmaster Cowman 3
Volume 36, Number 7 July 2014
The BIG Event
The Beefmaster International Group Event will welcome international guests in
August with a focus on utilizing performance data to improve beef quality, herd
efficiency and achieve higher yields ....................................................................... 15
Junior Convention & National Shows
Gas up the truck and make the trip to Shawnee,
Okla., and help the Junior breeders celebrate their
The Right Mix Balanced management yields success
Nove ber 22, 2014 m 2 The Beefma
July 2014 / The Beefmaster Cowman 3
Volume 36, Number 7
August 22 & 23, 2014 • Tunica, Mississippi
Emmons Ranch says to everyone who helped mak
Beefmaster Breeders United 6800 Park Ten Blvd., S
Beefmaster Educational Endowment Foundation ENDO
BBU News continued from page 8 Schedule Your Ran
Just My Thoughts Hit the Road for this Summer’s
Executive Notes Utilize Heterosis to Create Effi
vital to remember we also compete with other bree
Unclassified Old Bull A not too serious visit wi
Junior Breeder News Let’s Celebrate 30 Years of
30th Annual Junior Convention & National
It’s The Pitts Round Mounds of Sounds by Lee
South Texas Beefmaster Breeders Association
South Texas Beefmaster Breeders Association A sat
Allen, Kenneth and Nancy KAN Beefmasters 10653 FM
Davis, Mike and Mary Jane Sand Springs Beefmaster
Classified U 1/2 DOB: 2/15/05 Color: Red J♦
farm and ranch beefmasters Captain
Halepeska, Gary D. and Abradella Halepeska Beefma
Middleton, John R M Middleton Estate Monroe City
Stricklin, Gerry J Two Beefmasters 230 Steele Rd
A Satelllite of Beefmaster Breeders United Worki
Good Records Are Invaluable — ORDER YOUR COW RECO
LIVESTOCK SERVICES Livestock Insurance
ARKANSAS Dedicated to Outstanding Genetics
TENNESSEE J&T FARM Jerry, Tammy and T
TEXAS Colonel Tom Arthur W. Epley III, owner
TEXAS Lowery Beefmasters Barney & Marge Lo
Contact These Breeders Today For The Best In POL
FOR SALE 2,000+/- Acres of Grass H Located in Sou
The Beefmaster Cowman Livestock Advertising R
Advertisers’ Index Ad Rates ....................
Balance Yields S
Photos provided by Chaparrosa Ranch and Margarita
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Beefmaster Calendar EDITOR’S NOTE: Bold face lis
46 The Beefmaster Cowman / July 2014
If you are looking for a red bull with length, mu