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The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
National Student Nurses’Association®
Departments & Columns
A look back at the 66th Annual
Convention in Nashville, TN!
Special Features
Editorial…………………………………………………………… 3
Advertising Index…………………………………………………… 6
Membership Benefits & Highlights………………………………… 7
News: NSNA……………………………………………………… 10
A Look Back at Convention………………………………………… 14
Foundation of the NSNA® ………………………………………… 16
Happenings………………………………………………………… 28
Up Close…………………………………………………………… 30
Nurses Week Word Search Fun……………………………………… 45
Reflections…………………………………………………………… 46
pg. 22 Medical Malpractice 101………………… ………………………
By Jennifer Flynn
Spotlight on New Gra
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
2 APRIL/MAY 2018 Imprint
EDITORIAL ©Thinkstock Greetings, Imprint Rea
4 APRIL/MAY 2018
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 5 NSNA IMPRINT®
MEMBERSHIP Joey Ryan Vice President and Chair, Me
8 APRIL/MAY 2018
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 9 NSNA IMPRINT®
NSNA: NEWS Important Deadlines Imprint Reporter
Congratulations to the newly elected 2018-2019 Bo
NSNA: NEWS NSNA and Climate Action Anabell Cas
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 13 NSNA IMPRINT®
Sights from the NSNA 66th Annual
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 15 NSNA IMPRINT®
The Foundation was created in honor of Frances To
About FNSNA The Foundation of the National Studen
ANNA Scholarship Sponsored by: American Nephrolog
Kaplan Nursing Scholarship Sponsored by: Kaplan N
Wolters Kluwer Scholarship/Lippincott Nursing Suc
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 21 NSNA IMPRINT®
M b edical Malpractice y Jennifer Flynn 101 22
For nursing professionals, medical malpractice is
If a patient sustained an injury as a result of a
Don’t • Use vague expressions. • Record a symptom
26 APRIL/MAY 2018
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 27 NSNA IMPRINT®
HAPPENINGS ©Thinkstock Oregon Senior ye
to coordinate care and services to repair mobilit
UP CLOSE Georgia State University student nurse
lemWednesday, in which she posted an NCLEX- style
Vignette of a Primary Care Registered N
One of my patients recently shared a story about
met to elaborate on the focus group findings and
Health promotion and chronic disease manage- ment
Angel of Hope By Emily Berg
Teenage girl feeling lifeless and trapped Wonder
Participating in Shared Gover
The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) i
a measure of what areas of decision making are co
When staff nurses are involved in bringing their
Improving Health Outcomes in Patients with Diabet
Diabetes is one of the largest health crises span
Personal and professional gains aside, earning th
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 45 NSNA IMPRINT®
REFLECTIONS The “Reflections” column features h
multiple tubes, wires, pumps, and drains. I hande
Look through the year's themes — does one fit any