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Best regards
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a disciple of
Jesus Christ. You can strengthen your Catholic Identity through
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Grade 5
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these new features:
Catholic Identity: Retreats
provide time for you to reflect on
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a dis
Contents Introductory Chapter ..................
13 Advent ......................................
The Sacraments of Healing Restore Us.............
We Love and Serve As Jesus Did ..................
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & S
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
We Gather in Prayer Leader: Let us pray to Go
Baptism is the foundation of Christian life.
We see that Baptism was a part of the
In Baptism we are freed from sin and become child
Like faith, Baptism is necessary for salvation. B
We are a priestly, prophetic, and royal people.
A prophetic people A prophet is someone who spe
Because of our Baptism, we have hope of eternal l
Unfortunately, there are those who have
Grade 5 Chapter 4 PROJECT Make a memory game
DISCIPLE A patron is a person who encourages
Grade 5 Chapter 4 CHAPTER TEST Choose a word(s)
“Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from t
The Easter Triduum is our greatest celebration of
We do not actually end this liturgy. After everyo
Holy Saturday During the day we spend time thin
Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be wit
Grade 5 Triduum PROJECT DISCIPLE Complete the
I n this section, you will find questions
Q: What are ways we can listen to God’s call to o
Resources for the Family I n this secti
Spirituality and Your Fifth-Grade Child
CREED One God, Three Persons I f your family w
LITURGY & SACRAMENTS A Church in the Home T al
MORALITY Living with Dignity R eview with your
PRAYER Practicing Devotions D oes anyone in yo
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ISBN 978-0-8215-3055-9 90000 9 780821