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ISSN 2053-4221 Vol 6.1 • May 2018 • europeanmedical-journal.com
Review of
ILC 2018
Paris, France
Review of the ILC 2018, held in Paris, France, 11th–15th April 2018 12
Dr Amedeo Lonardo 30
Dr Diego Calvisi
“We hope that the variety held within its p
Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Prof Markus Peck-
Aims and Scope The European Medical Journal (EMJ)
Masthead Chief Executive Officer Spencer Gore Sen
Welcome I take great pleasure and pride in welcom
Want a daily dose of healthcare straight to
Foreword Dear colleagues, I would like to welcome
Available now.
Featured inside: Congress Review + Review of M
Congress Review Review of the Euro
The meeting also included, for the first time, a c
Presentation of New Liver Dialysis Technology NEW
transplant patients, with no new lesions detected
With structured lifestyle intervention progra
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Venue for the ILC
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0
"Relevant changes are on the way for the manag
The researchers also reported that there were no
Commenting on the encouraging results, Mr
Further work needs to be carried out to establish
Treatment of Rare Liver Diseases PROMISING PROGR
treatment, was measured in both Italian and
In the first study, PBC patients with a po
The rarely fatal hepatitis A infection was shown
Direct-Acting Antiviral Agent Therapy Slowing Hep
Our ILC videos:
Interviews A selection of insightful intervie
"A call to action is necessary to prevent the
Clostridium difficile. Of course, this is not to
young hepatologists that, while an individual’s
deleterious effects on treatments. Furthermore, i
and showed no benefits on the treated
nurse-led service, especially for viral hepatitis
is self-induced, has meant that stigmatism h
Dr Dhiraj Tripathi Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmi
Is variceal bleeding in cirrhosis patients a grow
we were doing about 200. So, in the last 10 years
interest and supported my research; he was
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 42 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 44 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 46 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 48 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 50 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. 52 HEPATO
Updated Symposium Review coming soon. Creative
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Abstract Reviews A series of abstra
METHODS A retrospective chart review was performe
A Comparison of Renal Function Before and
Table 1: Proportion of hepatitis C patients treat
were documented, including the use of sorafenib f
Citation: EMJ Hepatol. 2018;6[1]:59-60. Abstract
Monocyte-Derived Hepatocyte-Like Cells in Combi
monocyte-derived hepatocyte-like (MH) cells and p
Looking for a new job opportunity?
Primary Hepatic Angiosarcoma: A Brief Review of t
INTRODUCTION Primary hepatic angiosarcoma (HAS) i
from diaphragmatic tumour invasion,20 as well as
increased signal intensity and are generally
Microscopically, HAS is composed of malignant aty
have been subclassified based on phenotypical expr
References 1. Falk H et al. Epidemiology of
46. Maluf D et al. Hepatic angiosarcoma
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: Better Und
mortality associated with these disorders can be
Compensated defect in mitochondrial fatty
levels were higher in the placenta of AFLP
Liver dysfunction in second and third trimester o
MANAGEMENT Prompt suspicion, early recog
are required to mitigate this complication
on mechanisms. Obstet Med. 2011;4(3):99-103. 23.
Targeting the Relaxin Pathway for Liver Disease
Chronic liver disease affected 29 milli
Table 1: Summary of preclinical studies investiga
promoted a matrix-degrading phenotype in
experimentally induced fibrosis with PPARγ lig
40 patients with cirrhosis and hypertension,
has been demonstrated. It was shown that RX
33. Kageyama S et al. Recombinant relaxi
Thermal Ablation of Liver Tumours: How the Scen
only available to a restricted number of patients
quality of life in selected patients, with very l
Moreover, most studies investigating the
technical developments that have improved the per
References 1. World Health Organization.
39. Livraghi T et al.; Collaborative Ita
Percutaneous Laser Thermal Ablation in a Pa
and modified by Di Costanzo et al.,6 uses 3
Figure 3: CEUS scan of the right liver lobe after
times. Among the thermal techniques that can
Radiology; Standard of Practice Committee of the
Macrophages in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Fri
KUPFFER CELLS Abundancy The liver has an abundanc
M1 NASH Clear microbes Use of inflammation
IL- 10 IL -4 IL- 13 PPA R-γ PPA R-δ Th1 Antigen
thus, unintentionally furthering inflammation by a
Western-style diet DAMP, IL-33, high motil
healing response through fibroinflammatory re
by inhibiting TGF-β mediated myofibroblast act
References 1. Williams CD et al. Prevalence
45. Ibusuki R et al. Transgenic expression
Coming soon. EMJ prov
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