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September 2011 IndustrialLiftandHois t.com
Utility Handlers
in Canada
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Elevating Worker Platforms
levating Worker Platforms
Improve Productivity and Worker Safety
Elevating Worker Pla
September 2011
In real-world environments, purchasing decisions
Elevating Worker Platforms levating Worker Platf
CONtENtS September 2011 fEaTUrES 24 Site
COMMENtAry Bags to learn from By Richard H
BESt PrACtICES Profile The adrenaline rus
CRC Canada CONFErENCE UPdAtE preparing
HEAdlINES new Skyjack interim president Brad B
MH Equipment acquires new Territory from yale
HEAdlINES Strongco adds Jekko Mini-Cranes to pro
nissan forklift awards dealers Nissan f
HEAdlINES pErSonnEl UpdaTES Marine Travelift inc
orange Machine adds East Coast representation
PrOdUCtS Magnetek introduces Tele
In The Field rMi launches Mobile device RMI
PrOdUCtS Caldwell offers Bent Bar products
In The Field absolute E-Z Up launches “rocker” a
FrOM tHE MHIA Taking Control of Ergonomic and
Association Update data collection Once you
SItE rEVIEW Rubber-Tired Gantries Moving
STAHL CraneSystems’ exclusive programme for lifti
trENdS &tECHNOlOgy Canada Uplifted the Canadia
Canada Wayne Davis, general manager of O’Bri
trENdS &tECHNOlOgy visit us at CeMAT Asia
Canada o’brien is bidding on some large overh
BUSINESS ISSUES Employee investment Ergonomic equ
Ergonomics and hoist to lift and hold the conveyo
PrOdUCt FOCUS Merlo high-capacity telehandlers p
Telehandlers and it is the same thing when we ne
SHOW rEVIEW a focus on Education and networki
ICHC Houston SpeakerDave Duerr ofDan beilfuss (l
SHOW rEVIEW ICHC Houston Tom berringer r
Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta SAVE THE DAT
EqUIPMENtINACtION Lift Trucks Coca-Cola Bo
superior XL Grade 100 ® by THIELE GK8 Grade8