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Best regards
WINTER 2012/2013
“The very first step in any revitalization
strategy is to develop a plan, and that
process should involve all of the folks who
will be a part of the development, including
the neighborhood residents,” Garrett says.
“When we’re finished, it’s a plan that everyone
agrees on and one that meets the needs of
that particular community. We always plan to
leave the neighborhood stronger and be able
to move on to other neighborhoods.”
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unique needs. From affordable housing strategies to capital rais
WINTER 2012/2013 “The very first step in any r
Real estate capabilities you can count on. Achie
the next Generation Quanta Power Generat
New! YARDI Beacon™ A browser-based solution
The passage of fiscal cliff legislation i
32 Charlotte-MeCklenburg housing Partne
06 THE GREEN PNA Your Road Map To Asset Improveme
Jay Ortenzo The Green PNA Your Road Map To Asset
With the Green PnA tool noW AvAilAble, And most o
AhepA 310-XII, Daphne, Alabama Enriched
shop, shopping or nursing service,” says Poly. “W
Transforming Stereotypes Changes In Expectations
South entry to River Rock
housing for seniors. We’re filling a little bit of
Bringing Change Recent Projects Of The Portsmouth
and Housing Authority manages 1,022 public housin
we were able to take action as soon as we receive
Jefferson Boulevard 4th Avenue
vision for a cohesive district that honors and bu
hDC MidAtlantic Success In Affordable Ho
reinvigorate the area,” Carper says. “There be- c
Renovating Historic Housing POAH Works To Improve
Kenmore Abbey Kenmore Abbey Int
“It was built in the early 1980s,” Brown says. “A
A Resource For Thousands Dallas Housing Authorit
A history of servinG residents Since 1938, the Da
haven’t quite got it figured out yet. They either
Arbor hill Apartments A Strong Presence Hum
Gardens will provide an additional 55 units of af
According to Doran, Humanities Foundation con
Boston Capital is proud to partner with the Hum
This home is located in Michigan City and was par
ing Blocks Program. A new neighborhood stabi- liz
Double Oaks Apartments Revitalizing Com
hood residents,” Garrett says. “It also involves
Supporting Specific Needs Regan Development Crea
“The reception has been off the charts because o
Adding Diversity The Benoit Group Expands Target
Woodbridge actual perspective “We have a very s
phase was a 150-unit senior development called Wo
Community Opportunities HACC Provides Camden Res
rehAbbinG neiGhborhoods The agency has shown an a
Space reserved by berr
The Rowhomes at Yarmouth Way
“There’s a blend of affordable and market-rate ho
The Residenz at Sylvania Serving Many I
units are designed for functionality above all el
Macedonia plaza Integrated Community Developme
million and is being financed through New york Cit
Great Housing For Seniors Retirement Housing Fou
the strenGth thAt We hAve todAy is the size of th
Barringer Gardens
Tioga Pinpointing Need Proactively Worki
Governor Dalrymple and development team Watford G
leGAcy livinG At centrAl plAce The second pro
Bringing In All Stakeholders The Simon Konover C
“The Corbin Heights and Pinnacle Heights revi- ta
Wakim says. “That input makes the fabric of a rev
Fendee estates Bringing Affordability
the prices down and try to bring equilibrium to t
90 Washington St., Somerville Corner View
its research programs. Such a large tenant has at
Changing Attitudes Housing Authority Of Cook Cou
Renovation of units at Daniel Bergen homes, John
Design and Implementation of Renovations w
El Centro RMP Something Old, Something New B
Agnes Kehoe Apartments provide 51 units of afford
Alma Gardens Building New and Preserv
Alma Gardens will provide access to the MAX light
We Are PuttinG hiGh-density housinG riGht neAr tr
Keystone Development Provides The Badger Sta
tax credits, and Keystone Development was one of
According to Schultz, one of the most unique aspe
Dedicated to improving and rebuilding housing and
The Agency was ably assisted by the Master De- ve
Michigan's proven leader in the development
1st Wall raising at the Freedom place Subd
of the project cost and strengthens the alliance
arrangement and who have an income of under $50,0
Finding ‘Common Ground’ Organization Fights Homel
creAtinG A stronG community foundAtion Common G
The Domenech courtyard
suPPortive housinG Goes A lonG WAy toWArd our cor
Bayview Housing That Matters Projects
We WAnt to be Able to Preserve As much AffordAble
Follow us on Twitter @WindelsMarx www.w
Springfield Village development in Newark Conti
i think it’s GoinG to be An AttrActive Project. i
Funding Small Communities Snow Belt Housing Comp
the quest for fundinG Snow Belt Housing receives
Commercial Educational Government Healthcare Hist
The Ad Index is provided as a courtesy to Afforda