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<br /> WINTER 2012/2013<br /> “The very first step in any revitalization<br /> strategy is to develop a plan, and that<br /> process should involve all of the folks who<br /> will be a part of the development, including<br /> the neighborhood residents,” Garrett says.<br /> “When we’re finished, it’s a plan that everyone<br /> agrees on and one that meets the needs of<br /> that particular community. We always plan to<br /> leave the neighborhood stronger and be able<br /> to move on to other neighborhoods.”<br /> P32<br /> Real estate capabilities you can count on.<br /> Achieve your goals with a bank that understands them.<br /> Bank of America earns its reputation by supporting real estate companies like yours.<br /> We offer you the professional expertise of a dedicated client manager who understands<br /> the nuances of your business and recommends products and services suited to your<br /> unique needs. From affordable housing strategies to capital rais<a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=1"> WINTER 2012/2013 “The very first step in any r</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=2"> Real estate capabilities you can count on. Achie</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=3"> the next Generation Quanta Power Generat</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 4" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=4"> New! YARDI Beacon™ A browser-based solution </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 5" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=5"> The passage of fiscal cliff legislation i</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 6" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=6"> 32 Charlotte-MeCklenburg housing Partne</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 7" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=7"> 06 THE GREEN PNA Your Road Map To Asset Improveme</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 8" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=8"> Jay Ortenzo The Green PNA Your Road Map To Asset</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 9" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=9"> With the Green PnA tool noW AvAilAble, And most o</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 10" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=10"> AhepA 310-XII, Daphne, Alabama Enriched </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 11" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=11"> shop, shopping or nursing service,” says Poly. “W</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 12" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=12"> Transforming Stereotypes Changes In Expectations</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 13" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=13"> South entry to River Rock </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 14" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=14"> housing for seniors. We’re filling a little bit of</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 15" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=15"> Bringing Change Recent Projects Of The Portsmouth</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 16" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=16"> and Housing Authority manages 1,022 public housin</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 17" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=17"> we were able to take action as soon as we receive</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 18" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=18"> Jefferson Boulevard 4th Avenue</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 19" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=19"> vision for a cohesive district that honors and bu</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 20" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=20"> hDC MidAtlantic Success In Affordable Ho</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 21" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=21"> reinvigorate the area,” Carper says. “There be- c</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 22" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=22"> Renovating Historic Housing POAH Works To Improve</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 23" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=23"> Kenmore Abbey Kenmore Abbey Int</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 24" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=24"> “It was built in the early 1980s,” Brown says. “A</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 25" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=25"> A Resource For Thousands Dallas Housing Authorit</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 26" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=26"> A history of servinG residents Since 1938, the Da</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 27" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=27"> haven’t quite got it figured out yet. They either </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 28" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=28"> Arbor hill Apartments A Strong Presence Hum</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 29" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=29"> Gardens will provide an additional 55 units of af</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 30" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=30"> According to Doran, Humanities Foundation con</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 31" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=31"> Boston Capital is proud to partner with the Hum</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 32" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=32"> This home is located in Michigan City and was par</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 33" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=33"> ing Blocks Program. A new neighborhood stabi- liz</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 34" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=34"> Double Oaks Apartments Revitalizing Com</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 35" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=35"> hood residents,” Garrett says. “It also involves </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 36" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=36"> Supporting Specific Needs Regan Development Crea</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 37" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=37"> “The reception has been off the charts because o</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 38" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=38"> Adding Diversity The Benoit Group Expands Target</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 39" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=39"> Woodbridge actual perspective “We have a very s</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 40" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=40"> phase was a 150-unit senior development called Wo</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 41" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=41"> Community Opportunities HACC Provides Camden Res</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 42" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=42"> rehAbbinG neiGhborhoods The agency has shown an a</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 43" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=43"> Space reserved by berr</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 44" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=44"> The Rowhomes at Yarmouth Way </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 45" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=45"> “There’s a blend of affordable and market-rate ho</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 46" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=46"> The Residenz at Sylvania Serving Many I</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 47" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=47"> units are designed for functionality above all el</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 48" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=48"> Macedonia plaza Integrated Community Developme</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 49" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=49"> million and is being financed through New york Cit</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 50" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=50"> Great Housing For Seniors Retirement Housing Fou</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 51" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=51"> the strenGth thAt We hAve todAy is the size of th</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 52" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=52"> Barringer Gardens </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 53" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=53"> WINTER 2012/2013 | AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEWS </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 54" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=54"> Tioga Pinpointing Need Proactively Worki</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 55" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=55"> Governor Dalrymple and development team Watford G</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 56" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=56"> leGAcy livinG At centrAl plAce The second pro</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 57" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=57"> Bringing In All Stakeholders The Simon Konover C</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 58" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=58"> “The Corbin Heights and Pinnacle Heights revi- ta</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 59" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=59"> Wakim says. “That input makes the fabric of a rev</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 60" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=60"> Fendee estates Bringing Affordability</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 61" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=61"> the prices down and try to bring equilibrium to t</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 62" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=62"> 90 Washington St., Somerville Corner View </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 63" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=63"> its research programs. Such a large tenant has at</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 64" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=64"> Changing Attitudes Housing Authority Of Cook Cou</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 65" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=65"> Renovation of units at Daniel Bergen homes, John </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 66" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=66"> </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 67" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=67"> Design and Implementation of Renovations w</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 68" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=68"> El Centro RMP Something Old, Something New B</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 69" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=69"> Agnes Kehoe Apartments provide 51 units of afford</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 70" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=70"> Alma Gardens Building New and Preserv</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 71" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=71"> Alma Gardens will provide access to the MAX light</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 72" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=72"> We Are PuttinG hiGh-density housinG riGht neAr tr</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 73" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=73"> PRESIDENT'S CLUB FIDELITY NATIONAL TITL</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 74" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=74"> Keystone Development Provides The Badger Sta</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 75" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=75"> tax credits, and Keystone Development was one of </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 76" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=76"> According to Schultz, one of the most unique aspe</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 77" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=77"> Dedicated to improving and rebuilding housing and</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 78" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=78"> The Agency was ably assisted by the Master De- ve</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 79" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=79"> Michigan's proven leader in the development </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 80" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=80"> 1st Wall raising at the Freedom place Subd</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 81" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=81"> of the project cost and strengthens the alliance </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 82" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=82"> </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 83" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=83"> arrangement and who have an income of under $50,0</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 84" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=84"> Finding ‘Common Ground’ Organization Fights Homel</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 85" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=85"> creAtinG A stronG community foundAtion Common G</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 86" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=86"> The Domenech courtyard </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 87" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=87"> suPPortive housinG Goes A lonG WAy toWArd our cor</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 88" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=88"> Bayview Housing That Matters Projects </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 89" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=89"> Bayview </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 90" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=90"> We WAnt to be Able to Preserve As much AffordAble</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 91" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=91"> Follow us on Twitter @WindelsMarx www.w</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 92" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=92"> Springfield Village development in Newark Conti</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 93" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=93"> i think it’s GoinG to be An AttrActive Project. i</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 94" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=94"> Funding Small Communities Snow Belt Housing Comp</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 95" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=95"> the quest for fundinG Snow Belt Housing receives </a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 96" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=96"> 94 AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEWS | WINTER 2012/</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 97" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=97"> Commercial Educational Government Healthcare Hist</a> <a title="Affordable Housing News, Winter 2012/2013 issue page 98" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d577e4eb?page=98"> The Ad Index is provided as a courtesy to Afforda</a>